Liberians have been called upon to practice the baptism of repentance if the country must move forward. According to Bishop Kortu K. Brown, the reason why Liberia is groping is because the people and their leaders are not ready for the change that will transform the nation and improve the lives of the ordinary people.
Bishop Brown was speaking at the thanksgiving service to mark the official opening ceremony of the 14th general biennial conference of the Apostolic Pentecostal Church (APC) International held with New Water in the Desert Assembly in Brewerville, Montserrado County from May 11 thru 15, 2022 under the theme: “Jesus is Lord” with Scripture text from 1st Corinthians 8:6.
Speaking on the sub-theme: “A Baptism of Repentance – Celebrating Jesus indeed”, the Head of the APC International reminded his audience which included other members of the Christian community that the reason why the nation of Israel didn’t experience the transformation that they desire with the coming of Jesus Christ was because they failed to respond to the call of John the Baptist calling on them to embrace “the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins” as recorded in St. Luke Chapter 3 verse 3.
“For any country to develop”, the outstanding preacher said, “there has to be a transformation of the mind” which was the baptism of repentance that John the Baptist preached to the children of Israel before the first advent of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Liberians are failing to change the way they say or do things and that’s what is hurting the country”, he said
The Pentecostal cleric said “repentance baptism for forgiveness is changing the mind regarding former beliefs and behaviors and turning to a new way of believing and behaving; turning away from the past and turning toward a new life for the future. When the same old people create a new church, political party or organization, you can’t expect anything new because their thinking is the same old thinking or way of doing things. That’s why even new political parties don’t thrive in Liberia. It is the same old people in a new group”
“Liberians are failing to prepare the way of the Lord just as Israel did when the voice of one cried in the wilderness about 2,000 years ago, shouting, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight”. Here we are as a country, failing to love one another, to prioritize the peace and happiness of one another, murdering and destroying one another; actively promoting stealing and the misuse of public resources for personal aggrandizement, amongst others. “How can we expect to develop when the very things that brought us death and underdevelopment are still actively hunting us”, he quipped.
Bishop Brown, who is also President of the Liberia Council of Churches opined that if Liberia will experience real Change or transformation then the people must ensure that “every valley is filled and every mountain and hill brought low; and the crooked ways made straight, and the rough places made smooth; and then all flesh shall see the salvation of God” according to St. Luke Chapter 3 verse 5 and 6. “Even for God Himself to rule our lives we must transform our minds” he added.
Bishop Brown spoke of the 7 types of baptism mentioned in the Bible to include the baptism of Moses, repentance, Jesus, Fire, the Cross, Holy Ghost and Believers. He said the “baptism of fire” awaits all who will not practice the baptism of “repentance” or the transformation of their minds while living on the earth. “One day they will stand in judgment before God to give an account of their life here on the earth. The world will be judged for its sins according to the book of St. John Chapter 5 verse 22”, he concluded.
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