About Us

The Analyst is a circumspect arrangement that seeks to tap the untapped riches of our cultural heritage; one that seeks to expand the field of coverage from the boredom of politics.

One that seeks to water down the political tension and re-orient the readership to a vast field of national interest thereby promoting reconciliation and reconstruction.

This is why, while others report the events as they occur; we take the pain to analyze and interpret the issues behind the news, thereby preparing the citizens to understand the issues and to make informed choices.

Besides, our editorial and Memo to the President, we delve into the issues and present balanced views intended to help national direction. So don’t waive your rights for frivolity. It is your right not a privilege to Read each and every edition of The Analyst to be an informed citizen and au courant with the direction our country is taking.

Our Address:

Liberian Analyst Corporation
Publishers of The Analyst Newspaper
109 Ashmun Street, opposite (LITELCO)


Stanley Seakor – Publisher/Managing Editor
Email: stanseak@gmail.com
Cell: 231- 886515334 / 777516334

Deanna Seakor – Business Manager
Email: seakordeanna@gmail.com
Cell: 231- 883085555 / 777222204

Stephen G. Fellajuah – Senior Reporter 
Email: fellajuahstepheng@gmail.com
Cell: 231- 777015294 / 0886598321

Matthew Turry – Reporter 
Email: matthewturry@gmail.com
Cell: 231- 778154220 / 0886216040

Stanford Seakor – Production Manager  
Email: stanfordseakor@gmail.com
Cell: 231- 886601888 / 0776601888