CSOs Honor Public Works Minister -As She Lists Key Projects Underway

Four Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) recently honored the Acting Minister of Public Works, Madam Ruth Coker-Collins with a gown and certificate for leading the ongoing infrastructure development across the country especially in the areas of construction and rehabilitation of roads and bridges in the country.

The four organizations which include the ECOWAS Civil Society Movement of Liberia, the Women Initiative Network of Liberia, the Professional Network of Paynesville and the Coalition of Youth and Students for Better Liberia while also presenting  gifts to Madam Coker-Collins, highlighted the construction and relocation of marketers to the Omega market in Paynesville, the dedication of the Japan-Gardnersville Freeway, the Reconstruction of the Du River bridge in Margibi County, the empowerment of women among others as achievements accomplished under her administration.

Responding to the comments from the civil society group, Madam Coker-Collins who expressed gratitude for the recognition dedicated the honor to the committed team at the Ministry saying without the dedication and commitment of the workforce such honor wouldn’t have been conferred on her.

The Acting Ministry of Public Works boss described the honor as the challenge to do more for the Liberian people noting that ‘We have been working robustly behind the scene not inviting the media to capture our achievements but little did we know that there are others from distance who are tracking our works across the country.’

Divulging the secret behind her success at the ministry, Mrs. Coker-Collins revealed that she has been able to make an impact owing to  her background from the private sector running her own company for a couple of years and also working with the United Nations system.

She then took the time to enumerate the number of projects the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Public Works has earmarked for execution in the not too long future namely the Gbarnga to Salayea and eventually Mendicorma road in Lofa, the Ganta to Saclapea road and eventually to Tapita in Nimba; while the Government of Liberia and the World Bank are in negotiation for the pavement of the road from Tapita to Toe Town as well as  the GOL being in negotiation with the European Union for the pavement of the road from Zwedru to Toe town in Grand Gedeh County ,among others.

Meanwhile, the Acting Public Works Minister has sent warning to people having structures in alleys ways, drainages and on wetlands in Monrovia and environs saying “We are working with the Environmental Protection Agency, the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation, and the Monrovia and Paynesville City Corporations and that structures on drainage lines, alleyways, and other prohibited zoning areas will be demolished in order to carry on the necessary national infrastructure development.

She however disclosed that the exercise will not be conducted arbitrarily and hastily but rather with the consent of violators following a period of awareness, dialogue and negotiation with violators. “Even though we are receiving this honor but we are going to be tough next year, this is to prove that we are impartial in our works” she emphasized.

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