The Agro Innovation for Liberia under Africa Development Aid (ADA) is set to create over twenty thousand jobs for agriculturalists through direct local farming.
Speaking to a Team of reporters recently in Monrovia, the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Africa Development Aid, Ambassador Wendell McIntosh disclosed that ADA is seeking to achieve seed adaptation trial in Duelle Nimba County and four varieties of high breed rice, including two varieties of corn and soybeans.
“We are currently working with farmers in Nimba county district number four and have built the capacity of hundreds of farmers since we started our operation in the district and other parts of Nimba County,” the ADA Boss disclosed to the press.
Ambassador McIntosh also informed the media that ADA is currently on a concession with the Liberian Government to cultivate and produce rice in all parts of the country.
ADA is an agriculture company that has built the capacity of thousands of local and international farmers over the years and continues to contribute to the growth and development of Liberia’s Agro industry which faces the challenges of technical farming knowledge (new or modern farming methods) and issues of capacity for farmers who need to graduate from subsistence to mechanized farming.
ADA is currently working with thousands of farmers in five counties and is thinking of covering all the fifteen counties in Liberia. Ambassador McIntosh also used the opportunity to call on the government of Liberia to invest more in the agriculture sector, something he said if done would help improve the country economy and drastically reduce hardship amongst its citizens.
“About 90% of what we eat and use are imported from other countries to Liberia, this is something that is destroying our country economy and causing serious hardship for our people, and it’s about time we stand up and work for the common good of Mama Liberia, he cautioned.
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