McGill Foundation Threatens Carr With Lawsuit -Wants Him Retract ‘Reckless Allegation’ Or Else

The birth of the culture of free speech and media freedom, incubated by the Constitution of Liberia, is turning into verbal anarchy and irresponsibility, and not too many Liberians remind themselves that the Constitution also guarantees accountability for the misuse of those freedoms and rights. Thus, with the proliferation of media outlets, blossomed by the advent of the Internet and its accessory, social media, the situation is getting worse, and the public space continues to be polluted. But there are other citizens and groups who are erecting relevant checkpoints to screen the waves of verbosities, the recent being alarms from the Nathaniel Fallo McGill Humanitarian Foundation that it has been under volleys of “reckless allegation” from Bacchus Menipakei Carr. As The Analyst reports, the Foundation is demanding an immediate retraction or Mr. Carr must expect a lawsuit to verify his allegations.

The Nathaniel Fallo McGill Humanitarian Foundation has condemned and threatened a lawsuit against Mr. Bacchus Menipakei Carr for what the group called false allegation of plot by Mr. Nathaniel McGill, Minister of State for Presidential Affairs to assassinate him and has issued a notice of litigation at the civil law court if Mr. Carr does not retract his allegations.

At a called press briefing on Thursday, April 15, 2021, the Foundation, in a prepared speech read by its Executive Director Mr. Arthur Gotolo, said it has keenly followed the negative propaganda campaign by Mr. Carr in which he accused Mr. McGill using various social media platforms and other media outlets and by extension the communication  he sent to the US Embassy near Monrovia in which Carr specifically accused Minister McGill of consistently threatening to assassinate him because of his stance on critical national issues and activism.

“We, as an institution, categorically and emphatically condemn these unfounded allegations from an attention-and-good-life seeker. We wish to state that at no time Minister Nathaniel Fallo McGill threatened to assassinate any person or persons on the basis of their political stance. These false allegations emanating from an individual with no political history in Liberia are unfounded and has no iota of truth”, Mr Gotolo said.

The group said the action of Mr. Carr is only a well calculated attempt to seek public sentiments and gain popularity at the expense of Mr. McGill’s hard earned character he has built over the years.

The Foundation said Mr. Carr cannot adduce any evidence linking Mr. McGill to any plot to kill him or any other individuals that he mentioned in his communication.

Mr. Gotolo said contrary to claims of massive corruption and underperformance of the present dispensation according to Mr. Carr, the leadership of President George Manneh Weah has made significant strides ensuring that there are massive infrastructural development, road connectivity and harnessing investment to create job opportunities for Liberians.

He stressed that the governance structure of the country remains vibrant and progressive.

The statement asserts: “No opposition politician has ever been threatened or killed by the government. The Foundation takes this allegation as grave and is calling upon Mr. Carr to immediately retract his negative and damaging comments against the persons of Minister McGill.”

The Foundation, according to Mr. Gotolo, is however championing a new course of action and filing a lawsuit against Mr. Carr at the Civil Law Court to adduce all evidences Mr. McGill has triggering his assassination allegation and others he mentioned in his letter to the US Embassy near Monrovia.

“The leadership of President Weah has resolved to ensure that our tenets of democracy are upheld and the rule of law is respected,” the Foundation further stated. “Mr. Carr must have his day in court to prove beyond all reasonable doubts that his allegation levied against Mr. McGill is true or incorrect by adducing all his evidence to substantiate his claims.”

The Foundation said it was putting the facts clear in the public space that there is no record of any opposition politician that has been killed or harmed since the ascendency of President Weah.

The group maintained that politicians have enjoyed their rights to freedom of speech and movements all over the country have been unhindered and uninterrupted.

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