Liberia continues to enjoy the beauty of democratic continuity, which comes when those who served as former presidents are still around to contribute to the national growth and sustain the social and cultural traditions. This new Liberia is a radical break from multiple political epochs where the country transitioned from one leadership to another over the corpse or annihilation of the predecessors. Former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is alive and well since she turned over the mantle of the presidency in January 2018, and she has been quite contributive; at least she’s around to smile when the nation smiles and weep when the nation weeps. It is no surprise she would tender a moving eulogy for two members of the National Legislature she had known during her term, and as the country mourns, she has got some fond words to console the families and organizations Representatives Nagbe Sloh of Sinoe County and Munah Pelham Youngblood belonged to. See full text of Madam Sirleaf’s tribute below.
The Honorable Representatives
By Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
It is with deep regret that we note the transition into eternity of Honorables Munah Pennoh Youngblood and Jay Nagbe Sloh.
Both of these personalities can truly be called servant leaders for they served their country with distinction and commitment. They made their voices heard through words and actions with fearless loyalty to their organizations and causes.
I had the opportunity to talk to Munah many times regarding our common “family man” her uncle Abraham Pennoh (AB) who resides in Paris and maintains his strong family connection to my mother’s maternal family. For the entire period of my Presidency, AB provided, through his exceptional skill, the elegant clothing that I wore and still have. Munah was his favorite niece and we talked often with pride about our admiration for her strength and courage, her talent in profession and in politics.
“Town Chief” as we fondly called Jay Nagbe Sloh, came to my attention as one of those relentless critics of everything with which he disagrees. I took some knocks from him until he returned home and got to appreciate what we accomplished in a very difficult environment. We then had a common bond of commitment to country. His exceptional loyalty to the people of his county and hope for a better life for them propelled him to join the forces that provided the leverage for him to continue to be an independent voice for change.
The nation will truly miss these two patriots who were of service to the people.
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