CU Joins University Consortium -Benefits International Recognition, Interaction

By Patrick Tokpah  in Gbarnga, Bong County

BONG COUNTY, LIBERIA – Cuttington University in Suakoko, Bong County on Tuesday February 11, 2020 joined the Consortium of Universities of Liberia for a friendly partnership in the Country.  The President of Cuttington University, Dr. Herman Browne, and Dr. Charles Wesley Ford Jr., Vice President for Academic Affairs, along with Associate Vice President Precious M Marshall-Feury welcomed Ms. Cynthia L. Blandford, President and Board Chairperson of the University Consortium for Liberia (UCL) to Cuttington University.

The administration of the CU welcomed Ms. C.  Blandford while visiting Gbarnga, Bong County on a medical mission. Ms. Blandford is also the Honorary Consul General Republic of Liberia in Atlanta, Georgia.

CU President Browne was pleased to have met with Madame Blandford along with 15 other institutional partners including the University of Liberia, AMEU and Tubman University in Liberia.

Also represented at the meeting were 12 US-based institutions including Savannah State University, Georgia State University, Clark Atlanta University, Emory University, Morehouse College, and Morehouse School of Medicine.

Other were Alabama State University, Georgia Gwinnett College, Tuskegee University, Georgia Tech, Kennesaw State University, Fort Valley State and the Carter Center.

During the meeting, issues surrounding the Cuttington University’s membership on the Consortium were discussed.

According to Dr. Browne, the primary mission of Cuttington University is to educate the human person beyond their formal secondary education with a purpose to enhance the quality of life around them.

Additionally, he revealed that the University’s Undergraduate is dedicated to this mission by offering all students an intensive educational experience in nine disciplines in which Bachelor degrees are granted.

He further named the disciplines in which bachelor degrees are granted to include Education, Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Allied Health Sciences, Business and Public Administration, Agriculture and Sustainable Development, Peace and Development Studies, and Theology. Additionally, the undergraduate level provides humanities and research skills for its students, Dr. Browne said.

“The curriculum takes into account modern advances in new information technology and applications, striving to produce highly qualified graduates of strong moral fiber, who exemplify a commitment to the betterment of society and abiding faith in God.  Cuttington is committed to the enhancement of life in the surrounding communities through a comprehensive service-learning program,” Dr. Browne stressed.

CU President Browne told this paper that the fostering of relationships between and amongst members of the University Consortium of Liberia and CU’s partner institutions have keen interest in agriculture, healthcare, and social work, hoping to attend this year’s UCL Fundraising event in Atlanta.

Speaking during her visit, UCL President Blandford informed CU President Browne that by becoming a member of the Consortium, the Browne will be afforded the opportunity to network with UCL Presidents, Deans, and Faculty, collaborate on joint fundraising and grant applications, host UCL Partner Workshops and Panel Discussions as well as participate in the UCL Scholarship Annual Fundraising dinner amongst others. Other benefits are annual scholarships awards to Liberian students.

“We are delighted to welcome Cuttington as a new member and look forward to a great collaboration,” Blandford exclaimed.

The University Consortium for Liberia connects U.S. and Liberia based students, educational institutions, research facilities, and academic professionals providing brighter futures through education and understanding.

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