VP Taylor Thanks Liberians After Nationwide Tour -Says 14-County Tour an Eye-opener

MONROVIA: Fresh from completing another leg of tour in the hinterlands of Liberia that saw her covering 14 of the 15 political subdivisions of the country, Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor says the tour afforded her the rare opportunity to reach out, talk to and see the beauty of Liberia, and experience firsthand the sanctity of traditional family values.

Stating her appreciation for the warm welcome she received from the citizenry of all the 14 counties that she visited, and to President Weah for the opportunity to travel extensively inland and thank the people for working with the CDC government during its first term in office, VP Taylor said, “It has taken me from mountain tops to valleys to plains and across rivers. This journey began in Bomi and ended in Bong; with Gbarpolu being the last place yet to visit. But there is no place like home. So, though I visited almost each region; my visit to Bong was special.

“From the Hills of Zulu in Fuama; across the St Paul River at midnight; to the gold fields in Korkoya; across the Tiya River in Sanoyea thru the difficult terrains of Gbarngu Slorma to the urban cities across Bong- and ending in Gbarnga at the nation’s newest and I believe 2nd most beautiful Communications Complex in Gbarnga – VOICE OF BONG. It has been an awesome experience indeed.

“This experience has proven to me; that indeed I am blessed and highly favored. I must therefore say thank you to all of my kinsmen and women – who graciously welcomed me at each location and engaged me on the highlights and successes of the Weah Led Government and its positive impact on the lives of our people. And say a special thank you to the Chief of Staff, all the Staffers, Security and Drivers who safely took me from point to point safely.

“I say thank you again to the Political Party Stalwarts who made this trip more enjoyable and brought life and light to our conversation.

Thank you ALL YA.

“As we ended our work, the citizens of Bong County in their massive numbers, have reiterated their position – that OUR OWN IS OUR OWN. Saying to me over n over – KU WEI KA. So, you have our full support.

“It is therefore my honor to express my deep appreciation and the appreciation of our government under the strong leadership of President Weah – to say a special THANK YOU TO ALL LIBERIANS ACROSS EVERY inch of Liberia. THANK YOU FOR GIVING THE PRESIDENT and I this opportunity to serve you over the past 5 years. Because of your support, we have accomplished much and look forward to doing even more.

“I am compelled to; as we end our first term; say Thank you, YAHWEH, for the opportunity granted US both – to SERVE OUR NATION AND ITS PEOPLE.

And say without fear or favor that – All honour and praise belongs to YAHWEH – for all power indeed comes from HIM ALONE,” VP Taylor intoned.

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