Publicize Budget Tempering Report’ STAND Mounts Pressure on House Leadership

Though this may not be the first attempt by a sitting Unity Party administration to ‘figure’ or manipulate national budget—first being during its first leadership term when justifications for doing so in 2007/2008 budget was blamed on ‘cut and paste error’—growing consciousness about national budget issues in the country in recent years is choaking the Government in the latest incident. Instead of shoving the matter under the rug as it was in the past, the House of Representative did commission a probe which reportedly is done but yet to see the light of day as it should. Now the ever-alert national advocacy group, simply called STAND, is putting up fire under the leadership of the House to make known what the special investigative contains and recommends. The Analyst reports.   

As public pressure bellows in the country over alleged tempering of the National Budget, after it was passed and submitted the President of Liberia of Liberia, the Solidarity and Trust for a New Day (STAND) is imploring the leadership of the House of Representative to make public outcome of investigation commissioned to bring out that truth of the matter.

In a September 6, 2024 communication addressed to J. Fonati Koffa, Speaker of the House of Representatives, STAND Executive Director Mulbah K. Morlu demanded public disclosure of the ‘Budget Tampering’ Report and called on the House leadership to expose & prosecute those that may be found liable.

“On behalf of the leadership and members of Solidarity and Trust for a New Day (STAND), I extend our best wishes to you, and the esteemed members of the House of Representatives,” Morlu said at the onset of his communication, assuring the House of “our commitment to working with your leadership to improve governance and services for our nation and its people”.

Morlu told Speaker Koff STAND has been closely monitoring the recent controversies surrounding allegations of budget tampering, which he said, “have resulted in at least US$20 million in questionable reallocations”.

“STAND commends your leadership in forming an investigative committee to address this matter; however, the findings from the investigation remain shielded from public scrutiny,” the group said, adding that the altering of an enacted law, such as the budget, without following proper legislative processes is considered forgery.

“Keeping the investigation’s findings secret creates an atmosphere suggestive of either a cover-up or collusion,” Morlu opined in the communication to Speaker Koffa, while asking the speaker of not to rising public belief that his office is attempting to protect high-ranking officials from both the executive and legislative branches who may be implicated in these budget-related crimes.

STAND says while it supports the investigative process and the creation of subcommittees to strengthen governance, “these efforts will only be effective if they lead to meaningful checks and balances.

“Unfortunately, this cannot be guaranteed without first identifying, prosecuting, and holding accountable those responsible for tampering with the national budget in an attempt to steal US$20 million for themselves.”

Morlu continued in the communication: “Mr. Speaker, given the low public approval ratings of the House on matters of transparency and accountability, this case presents an opportunity for the House to demonstrate its commitment to upholding the law. Failure to act risks undermining the House’s core responsibility of providing checks and balances, further eroding its credibility.

“Mr. Speaker, in light of the seriousness of these allegations, STAND strongly urges your leadership to take firm corrective measures, not only to punish those found culpable but also to send a strong message of deterrence against such actions now and in the future. These measures should include suspending the culprits from committee assignments while pursuing legal prosecution.”

The organization is at the same time calling for the dismissal or prosecution of any implicated members of the executive branch involved in the budget manipulation scandal.

“To meet public expectations and foster broad-based support and trust, we call for the immediate release of the full special committee’s report on the recent ‘Budget Tampering’ investigation,” STAND stressed. “This is crucial for restoring public confidence in the fight against corruption.”

He called on the House Speaker and other distinguished leaders of the Legislature to seriously take seize of “urgent national issue and look forward to your cooperation in advancing the interests of the state, good governance, and democracy”.

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