No Excuse for By-Elections -Cummings Chides Elaborate Independence Celebration

By: Rancy S. Teewia

The political Leader of the Alternative National Congress (ANC) and member of four collaborating parties, Mr. Alexander B. Cummings says the government will have no excuse to evade the holding of the Montserrado County by-elections, saying that the government needs to conduct the Senatorial and representative by-elections for Montserrado County immediately after the Independence Day celebration.

Mr. Cummings indicated that conducting the Senatorial and Montserrado County District #15 by-elections immediately after the Independence Day festivities is meant to uphold the Constitution which provides for the government to hold the by-election within 90 days after a vacancy is declared at the National Legislature.

The ANC political leader made the statement during the launch of change-makers village launch itinerary fireside chat on leadership, management and decision-making at the Smart-Liberia Campus on Tuesday, July 23, 2019, in Jallah Town Monrovia, Liberia.

He said failure by the government to conduct the Montserrado County by-elections just after the pomp and pageantry in the name of holding Independent Day program constitutes a constitutional breach and should not be tolerated.

He said it is indeed unacceptable that the government cannot find the money to hold the by-elections when the money is been wasted to celebrate Independence Day elaborately. “Government has to find the money to conduct the by-election,” Mr. Cummings  demanded, pointing out that the money wasted to host this elaborate Independence Day could have been used for many other things, including the holding of the by-elections.

Instead of working to uphold the organic law of Liberia, Cummings indicated that the president spent state resources flying around. But he noted that the money used to host parties and fly about the continent and elsewhere could be used to help the state to pay salaries and engage other useful ventures.”

Consequent to the huge spending, some of whom are outside the laws and constitution, Cummings insisted that the government needs to fine way to uphold the Constitution and to be able to conduct Senatorial and District # 15 Montserrado county by-Elections after wasting money on July 26 celebration.

In the meantime, the ANC political leader urged young people to get involved in politics because Politics influences everything that happens in Liberia. If they want better Liberia, Mr. Cummings said they should rather get involve to help select and/or elect the leader of their choice that will work to create policies aimed at a prosperous nation..

The ANC political leader further told young people to avoid voting for recycled people in political leadership that will not make any change for the country rather than to continue with the same way of governing.

He promised to support the young people of Liberia in whatever way he can because they are the future of country; adding that he wants to be an example to them.

“The future of Liberia is about young people; and I want to be an example to them That is why I will help to support them in whatever way I can…”, Mr. Cumming said.

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