‘UP Stole Elections’ -Jefferson Koijee Says CDC Has impeccable Evidence

MONROVIA: The Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) says it has empirical evidence to prove that the November 14, 2023 Presidential runoff election was stolen by the Unity Party, and the result does not represent the will of the Liberian people.

The tough-talking Secretary General of the CDC, who spoke on behalf of the party Wednesday, warned the Unity Party that the Coalition will resist any attempt to pursue them “in any manner and form.”

Koijee said CDCians, partisans of the CDC, will not be intimidated by the incoming Baokai-led administration.

Although President George Manneh Wedah Weah has conceded defeat, and said invariably in speeches that the elections were free and fair, Koijee said his CDC party has “clear cut evidences” that the elections was stolen from the incumbent party.

He said President-elect Boakai merely is a beneficiary of the magnanimity of President George Weah.

Apparently, Koijee’s warning comes against the backdrop of President –elect’s vow that he would audit ministries and agencies of the CDC government and that any official found culpable would be prosecuted.

But Mr. Koijee told a press conference yesterday, saying: “To think that you have come to power to intimidate people with your one percent margin victory, you are a classical bluffer and it will not happen here.”

He said CDC Government officials would not be intimidated in any manner and form, pointing out the incumbent CDC allowed the opposition Unity Party to take the presidency because they do not want the Liberian people to go through unfortunate circumstances if the CDC had refused to allow the UP have the day.

He called on his partisans to rest assure that the CDC will ensure their protection by providing them leadership in opposition.

Koijee bragged that 27 members of the CDC won seats in the House of Representatives while 15 members won in the Senate, something he said would drive their opposition in the Legislature.

He also strongly commented on the vehicle that ploughed through Unity Party partisans that were celebrating the victory of their party, a situation that reportedly left three dead and several others wounded.

Koijee, who accused the Unity Party of responsibility for the death and injuries of the victims of the incident, said: “We want to say to you that in as much as no Liberian deserves to die, we condemned the unfortunate incident that took place at the Unity Party Headquarters. But we have come to expose the partisans in the Unity Party.”

The CDC spokesman said for the Unity Party’s hierarchy to know the truth of what took place at their party headquarters and try to gamble the lives of Liberians, irrespective of the political affiliation is worrisome.

“Forget about being Unity Partisans; the victims are Liberians,” he said. “Not because they contested against us so we will wish them evil.  We see them not through the lenses not as partisans. We see them as Liberians.”

He said it was unfortunate that on November 20, 2023 Spoon TV accused him of masterminding the accident at the Unity Party Headquarters that led to the death of three persons and 21 injured.

The CDC SG wondered how the man who is the perpetrator ended up in the residence, in the yard of the president-elect, and non-state actors began to interrogate him.

He said he does not understand why AB Kromah, Gregory Coleman and Sam Dean were interrogating the suspect, saying that they are high-profiled former government officials who he believe had knowledge of what went on at the UP Headquarters.

He chipped: “On whose authority were they investigating the accident, or are they saying we are running a lawless state? Do you believe that something was going on day that we do not know? It was too fast. What was the basis of your allegation that some members of the CDC were responsible?”

He expressed the belief that senior Unity Party executives thought the incident was going to give them an opportunity to deceive the public, noting that journalists must be concerned  on the UP’s investigation of the culprit and how the accessed him.

Koijee continued: “It just looks fool-hardy to think that because of the elections you win, the Liberian people preferred you and do not prefer President Weah will cause CDC to a take car to run through them the Unity Partisans at their Headquarters.  We think the Unity Party should by now retract its statement of accusation against the CDC.”

For the CDC Chief Scribe added: “Evil thinkers are evil doers.”

He noted further that the loss of lives of Liberians must be fully investigated and should go beyond the mere investigation, considering that the person who ended the lives of Unity Party partisans ended in the yard of Joseph Boakai.

Koijee said further: “The potential criminal who kill your partisans ended in the residence of the   president-elect and he went to the JFK to make show in the name of showing concern?”

He said the CDC as an institution is concerned about the families of the Liberians that died, saying the Unity Party needs to explain to the public what led them to say it was a domestic terrorism and how did this perpetrator end up in the residence of the president-elect.

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