Titanic ‘Second Home’ Endorsement -Greater Bassaland Says “Dah Weah We Want”

BUCHANAN : After Western Liberia “poured waters of blessings” and thumps-up for his second term bid, President George Manneh Weah at the head of CDC campaign caravan turned onto the “Land of Hospitality”, the Bassaland—his maternal homeland—in a week of nonstop deafening political rallies held in major villages and towns of Margibi and Grand Bassa counties. As would be expected, the people rose up in no uncertain term and declared what was a resounding “Dah Weah We Want” Endorsement that has swept across the Bassa-speaking region. The Analyst followed the weeklong trails and reports.

As presidential contenders scramble for the biggest pie of the electoral matrix towards the October 10, 2023 general elections, President George Manneh Weah has already carted away a titanic endorsement from his “Second Home”, Margibi Grand Bassa Counties, for most part of last week, where crowds of citizens of turned out in their numbers to commit themselves to the re-election bid of the President.

In their speeches and declarations from youth, women, elders, chiefs and prominent sons of Bassaland assured the President and his Coalition for Democratic Change that their coming out in their numbers was not mere bluff but was a heartfelt demonstration of support towards the first-time victory of President Weah.

The symbolic endorsement came on the heel of the several citizen engagements President Weah had with the people of Grand Bassa County in continuation of his nationwide campaign to solicit votes from the citizens across the country which has already taken him to Montserrado, Bomi, Gbarpolu, and Grand Cape Mount counties.

The President on Friday, September 1, 2023 led a strong campaign team to the county where they were received at the Farmington River, a border community between Margibi and Grand Bassa counties by the local county authority and the traditional rulers and hundreds of other citizens.

Speaking through the former Superintendent and the Senatorial Candidate of the county as interpreter, Janjay Baipeh, the chiefs and elders said they were excited to welcome the President and his party to the county on the campaign tour and wished him success on his journey.

They said the President is not a strange person to the county, as he is a traditional son of the Bassa Land, his late mother being a native Bassa woman.

Pursuant to traditional Bassa rituals, they presented kola nuts and grain of rice carried in a white plate through the Chairman of the Traditional Council of Liberia, Chief Zanzar Kawor, who handed them to the Minister of Internal Affairs, Varney Sirleaf, who in turn presented the same to President Weah.

Droves Avow Weah Victory in Little Bassa

At the end of the brief but colorful program, the President and party proceeded to Little Bassa Town, a community whose dwellers are predominantly fishermen where a historic program that brought to the fore grass root upbringing of President Weah was held.

Interactions during the campaign rally in Little Bassa showed the President being a man who hardly disconnects with people he has known from his childhood.

An opinion leader of the community, Jackson Karblee who spoke on behalf of the people introduced himself as the President’s childhood friend and narrated some of the memorable days they all spent together in Gibraltar, thus invoking some nostalgia.

He named a few friends, both living and dead, he shares with the President from childhood.

“Mr. President, I always tell people that the President is my friend and brother, that you are my big brother from down the line,” he said, as the President and crowds looked on pensively.

“If you can remember, Mr. President, between 1978 to 1980,  Kargbee. I always tell people that the President is my friend and brother; that he was my big brother down the line but now he is my pa now.”

He continued: “Sir, if you can remember Daniel Gargar from Gibraltar; he has been dead and gone but we the Gargar family that lived with him that time, like some of our brothers, Washington who you took from here some time ago. The likes of Jackson, David Dako, Kolugbey, Nagbe, Toomey, are still much around here.

“Mr. President, we want to welcome you here. This is your second home. This is Daniel Gargar’s home. Your coming here is important for us and we appreciate it. This program is about the people of Wezohn Clan; it is about Soonie Clan, and Edina City.”

“I Jackson Gargbee, the name you know, I am standing here in your second home; whatever you see here please remember the Gargar Family and also the Manneh Family. They gave the name Manneh to you and the Family is still here. It is a big family. We are proud of you. We pledge our support to you. You will be elected for your second term in the first round,” he said to the visible admiration and acknowledgment of President was laughing and enjoying the moment as the fellow invoked those memorable days.

They commended the President for empowering them which has enhanced their living condition with the provision of modern fishing boats as fishing is the mainstay of the people—making a living by fishing.

The citizens also used to occasion to endorse representative candidate Isaac Ross for District #1 and Senatorial candidate Janjay Baipeh both of whom they described as “Talk and Do People”

President Weah, speaking later said he was grateful, to be in the town and was excited to reconnect with old friends with whom he grew up with in Gibraltar.

He had called on stage Jackson Karblee who had spoken on their behalf and equally told the people that it was indeed historic to once again connect with his old friends.

He told the people to continue to have faith in his ability to lead the country to prosperity just as he solicited their support to make his re-election bid a resounding victory in the first round.

Waka Town Bridge Dedication

At the end of the program, Weah and party departed for Waka town but made a stop-over to dedicate a farm to market road constructed by Mr. Charles Gibson, the Minister of Labor, who undertook the project to alleviate the suffering of the dwellers in the community as well as enhance economic activities in the area.

In Waka town, the President again received huge endorsement from the citizens and vowed to ensure that he gets re-elected in the first round.

Rousing Buchanan Welcome

The elated President and team then headed for Buchanan City to a rousing welcome from the citizens and residents who had been waiting for hours, braving the downpour of rain, to be at the program.

Some of them used chairs, makeshift umbrellas, lappas, and plastic coverings to shield themselves against the rain in the streets and at the Fair Ground where the program was held.

Upon sighting the convoy of the president, the crowd burst into excitement, sending the environment into celebratory mood as President Weah made a triumphant entry into the jam-packed Fair Ground, venue of the program.

In his welcome remarks, the Superintendent of Grand Bassa County, Eddie Levi Williams said he was excited to receive the President and entourage to the county and promised that the purpose of the visit which was to solicit support from the citizens will be fruitful because the people were convinced that the second term of the president will bring meaningful developments to the county and country.

“On behalf of the local government and people of this great county, I want to welcome you, Mr. President, and your team,” the Superintendent said. “I ssure you that the purpose of your visit will be realized. I can assure you that the people are resolved to give you a first-round victory on October 10, 2023.”

The Chief Zoe of the County, speaking through former Superintendent Janjay Baipeh, said he has consulted widely with the traditional realm of the Bassa people and that “we have met, discussed and finalized the final list on all the candidates and we have agreed to carry you as our own son. We are not going to deceive you; what we say here, just take it serious, for we are sincere that we are behind you.”

Various groups of citizens also spoke at the occasion, committing themselves to vote the President massively for his re-election bid.

One of them, the Apojay Women Organization, speaking through their leader said they have a long history of voting only where the President has had a stake beginning with the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) and now the Coalition for Democratic Change(CDC).

“We will continue to follow the pattern of our voting because we believe in you, Mr. President, that you are the only one that can change this country.”

“Mr. President, we the members of the Agbojay Women Group, have never voted for any political party in this country. We have always voted for the CDC because we believe in you,” the group said further through its spokeswoman.

“In just 6 years you have done more than what the others before you could not do in 12 years. We want to assure you of our unflinching support to your re-election bid and vow to make it happen in the first round during the October 10, 2023 general elections. We will go from door to door for our people to hear the message that you mean well for this country.”

Another group, the National Pastoral Network of Liberia, Grand Bassa County Branch, cleared support to the President Weah, stating that they have been interceding for the country for a long time, specifically praying for the President for God’s wisdom and guidance as he leads the country and will continue to do so as he goes through the campaigning period seeking his re-election.

“Mr. President, power comes from God, and we know by faith and the Spirit where God took you from to lead this country; His own manifestation of the blessings He has bestowed on you to lead the country and its people to the promised land,” they said.

“As you travel from one place to another, throughout the length and breadth of this country, we are on our knees for God’s Favor and in this respect, we are giving you this statement of endorsement and support to your re-election bid on October 10. 2023.”

A group of first-time voters were among the groups who also endorsed the President and gave him their unwavering support.

“We have decided to vote for you so as to get the second term and continue to provide direction to the young people of this country,” the group asserted.

“Mr. President, we the first-time voters are happy to be at this historic occasion today so as to appreciate you first for what you have done for the young people of this country, especially we the first-time voters,” they indicating, adding: “You have provided us a lot of opportunities to be the future leaders of this country through a series of interventions you have made to build our capacity. We cannot forget in a hurry the WASSCE fees you have paid over the years for 12th graders throughout the country. We also want to acknowledge the free tuition initiative in public higher institutions throughout the country.

Continuing, the First Time Voters said: “The payment of WASSCE fees has improved the performance of students in the public examination that has been a huge challenge in the past. The tuition free initiative has not only removed the burden from poor parents but has also increased the enrolment of students in public higher institutions. Mr. President, as direct beneficiaries of your assistance to the young people, most of whom are first time voters, we hereby endorse you and vow to vote for you massively to win the October 10, 2023 general election in the first round.”

Mr. Daniel Chea, the Regional Coordinator of the CDC Victory Campaign who also spoke at the occasion said the President’s visit to Grand Bassa County goes beyond just the county.

“It has to do with the entire Bassa land and that Grand Bassa is the center of the Bassa land,” he said.

“Your visit here goes beyond this county, it also includes Margibi County that you have already visited and got a rousing welcome. We can assure you, Mr. President, that the entire Bassa land is behind you. You are one of us and in this election, we must stand by you, with you to be re-elected for another six years so that this country will have the kind of developments it deserves. Our people have told me to tell you that come October 10, 2023, your victory in the first round is assured”.

Another prominent cirtizen of Bassaldn, Dr. Larry Bropleh, who also mounted the podium, said it was high time that Liberians go all out to elect the President for the second time so as to consolidate on the gains of his first term because the second term will witness more developments flowing in all sectors.

He said the election will be about demonstrable capacity and where next the candidate will take Liberia in the midst of all the challenges that the country may face.

He said indications are that the President has proven beyond all reasonable doubts that he can “deliver the good for the country and its people when reelected”.

Both Senatorial and Representative candidates on the ticket of the ruling CDC, Janjay Baipeh and Mathew Joe, who received loud ovations and cheers from the crowd when they took the stand to speak said the people of Grand Bassa County will reciprocate what President Weah has done for the county by casting their votes on October 10, 2023.

They called for unity of purpose and a vigorous campaign to ensure that the President gets the much-needed votes to put him beyond going for the second round with any opposition candidate.

“Better days are ahead and I can assure you that a vote for President Weah is a vote for development, not only for this county but also for the entire country that we all dream to be better,” Representative Mathew Joe said.

After all the speakers had heaped praises and adorations on hi, President Weah was then introduced and ushered on stage with the CDC campaign popular theme song, “Yor Yor Yor” as the venue went into frenzy, dancing to the music, giving time to adjust to speak to surging the crowds of people, most of whom have been waiting patiently under heavy downpour of rain as early as 9 am.

President Weah first greeted the people in the native Bassa language to the delight to the people; he told them that he was happy “being at home”. He thanked the people for the level of support he had garnered from them when he sought their votes in 2017 while seeking the presidency.

“You agreed at that time to give me your votes even when I did nothing at the time,” he said, adding, “now that you can see and feel what I have done in the first term, it is all necessary to allow me continue it in the next term.”

He said as a man who keeps commitment and lives with the trust of people, he was able to also reciprocate with “unprecedented level of development I have been able to undertake in all sectors”.

He continued: “Honestly, I want to thank you for standing by me and trusting me with your votes ahead of other candidates when I did not show you anything. You trusted me and gave me the support believing that I will not disappoint you.

“You can see that I did not let you down. During my six years, I was able to show you that I have done more than their 12 years they were in power and want to come back. I think it will be fair when I come back to you, which I am doing on this visit to ask you for another six years so that what I want to do that will change this country will happen.”

He pleaded with his fellow Bassa people: “Do not allow them [opposition] to reap from what I have set up already that will happen in my second term. I used the first term to plan for the future and you can see that we have touched all sectors; what is needed now is to give me the second term so that I can complete what I have for the country.”

He dismissed the motive of the opposition, especially the Unity Party with their “rescue mission” mantra saying, “They have nothing to rescue because they have not been able to rescue themselves”.

He said as the election date is fast approaching, the electorate should be careful with “all the empty promises from them because they have seen where we are taking the country and so they want to come and confuse you with their lies.”

He continue: “How can they rescue you when they have not been able to rescue themselves? You have been in government for 40 to 60 years but no impact. Let them show you what they have done for the country because from our records even the 12 years they gave them, they squandered the opportunities.

“Don’t mind them. They are lying to you but my advice to you is don’t mind them. Vote for me on October 10, 2023. My birthday is October 1, but give me the gift on October 10, 2023,” the President said amidst cheers and the crowds’ echoes of “One round, one round, dah Weah we want” were all over the place”.

He urged the people to vote massively for the CDC Senatorial and Representative candidates, Janjay Baipeh and Mathew Joe “as you are voting for me as well because we need people in the parliament who will help us pass the laws that will bring development to this country”.

Beyond Buchanan City—Citizens Endorse

On Saturday, President Weah, apparently desirous of getting his message to the people departed Buchanan and went deeper into the Bassaland, holding rallies and “meet and greet” sessions in a horde of towns, villages and communities where he was characteristically received with enthusiastic crowd some of whom stood along the road side waving to him and his entourage as he passed by them to other areas where programs were planned for his endorsement.

His first port of call was at the LAC Plantation where he addressed the people at a political rally held at the St. Joseph Catholic School Football field, having received endorsements from the people including the traditional rulers, women and youth groups as their choice ahead of other contenders in the ensuing general elections.

Right after the program, the President departed for Gorblee, a town he once lived and as expected the turnout from the citizens was overwhelming.

Addressing  the audience, following calling for a minute of silence for his late uncle Moses Kpleh who took him to the town many years ago as a young man, President Weah told the people that he would continue to be grateful to the people of town and see the people both living and dead as part of his success story.

“I want to thank you all for the part you play in my life. I will continue to say it to people that I hope you in my hearts and will not forget about you,” he said. “Those days there was just one shop in this town, Judy’s Shop but now Gorblee has grown to be a big place.

“Many people have come here to live; that means there is a need to expand development in this place and beyond,” he told them further. “Trust me, in my second term, there will be more development coming to this place because this place is a historic and important town.”

Thereafter, successive engagements were held at FDA Junction and St. John.

President Weah, before the rally, trekked a mile or so with the people of St. John who had turned around the community, including an old bridge area where the President promised to reconstruct the bridge during his second term.

At the rally, he told the people that he would not seek a third term upon the expiration of his second term as the CDC will present a very strong candidate that will continue his legacy that the Liberian people will forever remember.

President Weah and entourage returned to Buchanan later that evening at the end of the program.

Working Rallies on Sunday

On yesterday, Sunday, September 3, 2023, President Weah attended service to worship and thank God for his blessings on his trip as well as good tidings to crown his engagements with the people.

Later in the afternoon, President Weah made visitations to Gio Town, Kpogbahn District and Yoway Camp (EPO Plantation) where hundreds of citizens turned out during the separate rallies held in the two locations.

Like in the other places the President had travelled, the citizens were resolute to re-elect him, saying invariably: “Your numerous developments we have seen all over the country and not just our communities and as such we must repay you with our votes on October 10, 2023.”

“Mr. President, we want to assure you that on October 10, 2023, the people of Yoway Camp will not disappoint you. We will come out in our numbers to support you and ensure that we give you the one round victory. One round victory is what we will give you,” the citizens of Yoway Camp said through their spokesman.

On today, Monday, September 4, the President he is expected to hold consultative meetings with the citizens and thereafter depart Buchanan for Monrovia to end his eventful visits on the  Bassaland – tours which pundits believe have added impetus to his re-election bid.

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