In an effort to building a strong work environment, the Civil Service Agency of Liberia has opened a two day orientation workshop for all Deputy and Assistant Ministers for Administration on the Performance Management System which facilitates the attainment of individual and corporate goals.
Performance Management systems enable you to track and monitor the performance of individual employees and departments.
Management Services Directorate of the Civil Service Agency has put enough time in setting up a strong and effective Performance Management System which is remarkably being rolled-out across the Ministries, Agencies and Commissions (MACs).
Speaking at the opening of the PMS orientation workshop yesterday in Marshall, The Director General of the Civil Service Agency LAURINE WEDE JOHNSON told the ministers that their utmost and interactive participation in the discussion will lead to a more robust and effective implementation of the Performance Management System within their respective Ministries, Agencies and Commissions (MACs).
Performance Management is part of the Civil Service Agency’s mandate to improve human resource capacity, service delivery and enhance the effectiveness of Civil Service, and PMS remains a key strategic tool for an effective, efficient and professional service delivery within the Government.
“Today, our focus is on the Performance Management System (PMS) implemented by the civil Service Agency (CSA) and the Mandate and Functions Review (MFR) implemented by the Governance Commission (GC)” the CSA Director General has said.
The government of recent has appointed new Ministers, Deputies and Assistant Ministers, most of whom are quite new to ongoing reform efforts, thus impelling a critical need to orientate the new leaders on the execution of specific initiatives. And the orientation is focusing on a set of activities under component three (3) of the Public-Sector Modernization Project (PSMP).
In order to enhance the implementation of the Pro Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development, CSA indicated that it is expedient for the newly appointed DMAs and AMAs as well as other IRC members to understand the government’s various functional reviews.
The Civil Service Agency is working to manage performance within public sector and the Performance Management System is a key milestone to motivate, create the enthusiasm and encourage civil and public servants to work even harder than before.
“A huge chunk of the Liberian government’s budget goes towards paying salaries and benefits of civil servants. And so, there is a need to ensure the civil and public servants are motivated, accountable and professional in the day-to-day workings” Madam Laurine Wede Johnson pointed out.
The CSA has trained over 2000 supervisors at various Ministries, Agencies and Commissions (MACs) in the Performance Management System circle including Preparing Performance Journal, Performance Appraisals and Evaluation, Objectives and Goals Setting, Record Goals and Accomplishments amongst others.
At the end of the PMS orientation with, the CSA remains hopeful that DMAs and AMAs will now deliver a more comprehensive Performance Management reports inclusive of relevant data from their respective Ministries Agencies Commissions. Reported by Oniel Bestman.
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