CABEL Wants Byron Browne for Senate -For A ‘Claim Court’ Against Corruption

The absence of Claims Courts in our justice system is the root cause of this systemic corruption in our governance system, the management of the Citizens Actions for Better Liberia (CABEL) a civil society group in Liberia.

In a statement issued yesterday, the group further said any person who acts under the authority of Government without Claims Courts in our justice system is prone to be very corrupt, saying that corruption with impunity due to the absence of Claims Courts in our justice system is a fight that must involve all of citizens of Liberia.

“Why do you think it became possible for a Senator to receive US$210,000 each year for over a period of three budget years including FY2014/2015; FY2016/2016; and FY2016/2017 totaling US$630,000 to build a “sports academy” – a citizen project that should cost U$200,000, and up to present the sports academy is yet to be built and said moneys cannot be accounted for? Only because, Claims Courts are not part of our justice system,” CABEL said.

The group said the initiative of establishing a “Claim Court” in the country was an agenda of a former Grand Bassa County representative who needs to be elected back to the Legislature to ensure that this dream of a claim court comes to reality.

“Fellow citizens of Grand Bassa County, your son, Honorable Jeh Byron Browne, former Representative, Electoral District #4, fought teeth and tongue, leaving no stone unturned, to ensure that Claims Courts are part of our justice system.

“He introduced the Claims Court Bill on the floor of the House of Representatives on April 23, 2012; and, on March 26, 2013, the House of Representatives (IN SESSION) passed the Claims Court into the full force of the law and forwarded same to the Senate, seeking concurrence; but, since that day up to today, the Bill is held up by the Senators in their Judiciary Committee Room,” the group disclosed.

The management of CABEL then pleaded with the electorates of Grand Bassa to re-elect Mr. Brown to the Legislature.

“Please, fellow citizens of Grand Bassa, if corruption in our governance system should be made history, send your son, Honorable Jeh Byron Browne in the Senate so he can complete what he started in the House of Representatives.

“We are hereby appealing to all chiefs, elders, women organizations, youths, social and political organizationsand all citizens of Grand Bassa County, to join this fight to put an end to corruption in our governance system by making sure that Jeh Byron Browne is elected Senator of Grand Bassa County in the upcoming senatorial elections,” the CABEL press release concluded

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