The Movement for Transparent Justice in Liberia says it is appalled and taken aback by the ruling of the criminal Court “C” at the Temple of Justice in which Sable mining indictees, Senator Varney Sharman, E.C.B Jones, Richard Tolbert, Former Speaker J. Alex Tyler, Senator Morris Saytumah, Eugene Shannon, etc. were vindicated and set free by Judge Peter Gbeneweleh.
“We like to use this medium to state for the record that the form and manner in which the ruling was handled points to serious travesty in our country’s justice system and by and large a testimony to various international organization’s assertions that justice is illusive in Liberia and that the justice system is seriously corrupt.
In a press release signed by the group’s Executive Director Wilmot B. Collins, Jr.
Yesterday, the Movement said it is highly inconceivable that in the face of cogent evidence adduced by the special presidential Task Force which includes both oral and documentary to support the charges levied against senator Sherman et al, the Criminal Court “C” Judge Gbeneweleh allowed himself to be arm twisted to rule in favor of the defendants in the Sable Mining case.
The movement of Transparent Justice in Liberia stated unequivocally that the non-guilty verdict given in the Sable Mining US900, 000 bribery scandals will go a long way in the quest of the CDC-led Government officials to fight corruption and retrieve monies stolen by both past and present officials.
“The idea to recover monies by government officials is laudable; but with the current state of the Judiciary in dispensing justice, we can safely say that the exercise is a fiasco and is being pronounced dead on arrival.”
The movement then extended profound thanks and appreciation to the special President Taskforce for the excellent work done so far, and admonishes them to continue to demonstrate the level of professionalism exhibited in the investigation and subsequent indictment of Senator Varney Sherman and his co-defendants; saying, “You all will be remembered by history.”
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