Redirect Your Gifts To The Needy -PLP Rejects Pres. Weah’s 26 Celebration Offer

By: Stephen G. Fellajuah

The maxim that “What goes around comes around” comes to play when the People’s Liberation Party of (PLP) of Dr. Daniel E. Cassel rejected what was tagged as “Independence gift” in cash and food items that are being distributed amongst the women wings of political parties by the Protocol Officer in the office of President George Manneh Weah, Madam Finda Bundo.

Instead, the leadership of the PLP says such a gesture is rather good to be redirected to the vulnerable people who stand in need during this festive season. The rejection of the gift, which was said to be a gesture from the organization of Coalition of Political Parties Women of Liberia (COPPWILL) comes on the heed of a rejection of US$7,500 donated to the Ministry of Health through the COVID-19 Incident Management Team which was returned two weeks after to the office of the Montserrado County under the claim that the money was controversial.

In the opinion of the PLP, the CDC initiative is being sponsored by the 0ffice of the President of Liberia as a way of identifying with the women of the opposition political institution for the July 26 Independence celebration as it announced the receipt of cash and material donation which was channeled through Coalition of Political Parties Women of Liberia (COPPWILL).

But the PLP through its National Chairman Mr. Wilmot PAYE  held a press conference yesterday, Thursday, July 22, 2021 at the Headquarters People’s Liberation Party, where it rejected the offer from the coalition, saying in as much the party appreciates the gift, it is rather `expedient in the wisdom of the party to redirect the offer to the needy.

“Yesterday the party through its women leadership received a token of 50 bags of rice along with Hundred Thousand Liberian Dollars (LD$100,000) which was channeled through the Coalition of Political Parties Women of Liberia”, Mr. Paye said.

He added that as the country celebrates its historic Independence, there is always a need for leaders of the country to reached out as done by CDCians, adding that there are other Liberians in the public and the private sectors as well as philanthropists from all walks of life who are in their own way identifying with the needy people in different ways which he said the PLP appreciates. Mr. PAYE used the occasion to call on Liberians to help in assisting those who are in need.

The decision to reject the offer, Mr. Paye said, is in no way intended to raise unnecessary eyebrows on those who made the donation. The PLP Chairman rather recounted how his party is frankly known to the media and across the world to be founded on the foundation that seeks the needs of the people in need.

In this direction, Chairman Paye said the party in its wisdom has decided in good faith to return the gift and suggested that the L$$100, 00 and 50 bags of rice should be redirected to communities in Liberia that are more vulnerable, naming the Group of 77nd, National Commission on Disabilities and several orphanages in Montserrado County and across other counties to be ideal recipients of gesture during this festive season.

Chairman Paye emphasized that the People’s Liberation Party’s assistance can be attributed to how they respond to the growing calls of Liberians for leadership that is sensitive and responsive under all circumstances to prioritize the needs of every Liberian.

Recounting that the PLP is also in the business of helping the needy, Chairman Paye further indicated that the People’s Liberation Party has been involved in many ways identifying with and seeking the needs of the people through the philanthropic activities of the foundation of its Political Leader and Vision Bearer, Dr. Daniel E. Cassell and in the party’s own way.

It is with this spirit that the party has demonstrated and does not want to contradict the philosophy and mission of the party, Chairman Paye averred.

Paye who used the occasion to call on Liberians and residents to continue to be in straight compliance with the health protocol urged his compatriots to continue to wear mask, frequently wash their hands, and keep social distancing to protect themselves from contracting the COVID – 19, adding that the party do not want to underestimate the pandemic as complying with the health protocols will protect not only individual lives but also the lives of others.

The party, he further averred, has intensified its outreach program in identifying with the people, a reason he said the gift by the Coalition Women should be redirected to the needy people in various communities.

This, he said, has nothing to do with arrogance, neither has anything to do with disrespecting any office. “We are a party founded to rebrand the politics of the country and modernize and bring some maturity to the discourse, that is why the party was founded; and through the vision of Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, the party has been doing so catering for the vulnerable people.

“Our Independence will be meaningless as long as we do not get to the point where the dignity of the people can be lifted, and that is why this party was established,” the PLP Chairman pointed out.

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