Late James Sirleaf Speaks Posthumously -‘I came from a true and honest family,’ He Writes

MONROVIA – The former First Family of Liberia, under the guardianship of former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, was rocked by tragedy late last year when one of its pillars, unassuming James E. Sirleaf, succumbed to the wicked claws of death. As is often the case, the Sirleaf family, faced political torments from detractors during 12 years of political incumbency and even after. James was the silent giant of the family, who said less but did many great things. Years after the presidency of his mother, amid generalized critiques, James put pen to paper. In an unpublished email sent to his relatives and his mother, a year before his tragic passing, he provided his candid thoughts about his country, his upbringing, and the trend of events. Read below Mr. Sirleaf’s posthumous musings for posterity.

I will be publishing in all NEWSPAPERS!

From: James Sirleaf (

To:    Family members:

(Email addresses deleted)

Date: Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 06.09 PM GMT

I will be publishing this in all Newspapers

The Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Administration took over the realms of a belittled Government in a full optimism for innovation coupled with positive and with prospective change and with prerogative. There was a very high optimism, enthusiasm and faith concerned especially due to the very awkward situation in African politics and the subsequent threat in the Greater African belt, with the immediate failures of those states and capitulating the eventual and eminent failure in Liberia.

They were never really much real concerns albeit the serious Governance failures of both the Doe, the Taylor and consequent Gyude Bryant administrations (which they all did spend ridiculously with overspent borrowings of the past administrations and no objective question regimes based) and henceforth became failed states and failed governance.

As a Banker for many years at the Africa Regional Office (ARO Nairobi) in the 1970’s and later as a Citigroup emissary in Moscow, Russia from Liberia with Liberian Passport in 1991, I helped in establishing the non-mainframe micro banker/microcomputer awareness.

I have always politely disapproved of gratuitous payments at all levels. I also got a subsequent final assignment with Citigroup in London from the African Regional Office based in Nairobi, Kenya. I was lucky!

I had business intercourses with a variety of clients including the Late Honorable George Dweh who had personal arrangements to receive payments from former FIB major clients from abroad. He got his complete allowances from me. No handouts, no requests, no asking! Peace be unto his soul!

I did not dish out any money or unconsciously or consciously influence and approve any bank’s credit under my jurisdiction and neither did I anywhere signature for kickbacks or corruption payment even when I had Acting CEO designation from the MD of FIB Bank. I left the portfolio and became CEO of a separate Group entity at Governor’s Kalu insistence.

I came from a true and honest family! My late grandmother was a local missionary and international emissary at heart and in soul and she rests in peace in the only all-time Heavenly Glory. Rest in peace our Grandeur! Her name was Martha Johnson. I am her very first Grandson and I was born on her Birthday, January 11th.

Our family has always believed in God, in the faith and the hallelujah, glorifying and praising his Almighty, the Prince of Kings.

We will continue to stand our ground, remaining strong always, fully incorporating our strong Christian beliefs and our strong God relevance in order to stand firm and to call serious attention(s) to the wrongdoings and improprieties being imposed on the general public and businesses by this covenant and the next.

Indeed, we are faced with the many challenges of today, and we ourselves are challenged to make and to ensure that there is indeed a better Liberia for all Liberians!”

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