By Togba-Nah Tipoteh

The July 26 2024 Celebration helped the people of Liberia to know how to tell truth to power as the way to solve societal problems through the Rule of Law. This way is non-violent. It saves lives rather than kills lives. Telling the Truth saves lives but telling lies kills lives. The people who love Liberia are suffering from poverty but they continue to work to save lives by telling the Truth. This is the reason for celebrating July 26.

The people who love Liberia are celebrating because the truth has been told and the promoters of falsehoods have been exposed. The people who depend on lies have been exposed. The people who are money-driven have been exposed. These people, including some media entities, are crying because Truth has been told and they do not expect to be getting their usual small things for telling lies. This continuation makes lives uncomfortable for them as they have become sycophants thinking that they are special friends. They must remember that friends are not slave buyers. Friends are not money-driven, profiteering at our expense.

Look as far back as the slave era. Paramount Chiefs in Liberia who were money-driven sold Africans who were not their children to slave buyers from the United States of America (USA). Remember that the powers that be in Liberia sold Africans as slaves to the Portuguese in Fernando Po. Through the Rule of Law, former President of South Africa Jacob Zuma has been banned from running in elections and he has not run in any election after the court ruled because no one is above the Law in a Democracy. But in the USA, the so-called bastion of democracy, former USA President Donald Trump, a convicted criminal, is the Presidential Candidate of the Republican Party, indicating that he is above the Law.

Look at what is happening today in Liberia. The bad things that we have received from the slave buyers of the USA is being practiced in State governance and this is he reason that the local powers that be are not distancing themselves from the unfriendly actions of our so-called special friends. The good news is like the news coming from South Africa, where former President Jacob Zuma faced the embrace of the Court System. The good news is that a woman who happens to be colored is a Presidential Candidate in the USA, where the President has stepped down principally for health reasons.

The good news is not happening accidentally. It is happening because of the consciousness raising that is coming from the people who love Liberia, who continue to work together within the Rule of Law, while our so-called friends in the USA continue to work through the rule of outlaw. South Africa is working through the Rule of Law and so are we in Liberia. The people who work within the rule of outlaw will be booted out of office constitutionally, as seen in the election of October 10, 2023. This outcome will also be the outcome of the Presidential Election in November of this year in the USA.

HAPPY 26   

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