NEC invites Chairpersons of LP, ANC et all to Conference -In response to complaint against UP & ALP

The National Elections Commission has extended an invitation to Mr. Musa Hassan Bility and Senator Daniel Naathan, National Chairmen of the Liberty Party(LP) and the Alternative National Congress(ANC) respectively to attend a conference meeting today, Monday, March 28, 2022 at the Headquarters of the Commission in response to a formal  complaint filed by the two parties seeking the electoral umpire to bar the All Liberia Party(ALP) and the Unity Party from fielding candidates in all elections until after 2023 and to also to seek legal advice from NEC on how they (LP and ANC) can proceed with the exit of UP and ALP from the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP).

In a letter from the Commission signed by the Clerk, Fofee V. H. Sherif, the two heads of LP and ANC are asked to appear before Atty Fomba AM Swaray with respect to their complaint filed with NEC on March 24, 2022.

There was no other information provided in the letter but the meeting is expected to provide the basis for NEC to look into what is being viewed as a very thorny issue in the polity in the wake of what is appearing to be the dissolution of the once strong opposition bloc, the CPP.

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