US$100K for Each County -Speaker Chambers Proposes for County Meet

MONROVIA: The Speaker of the House of Representatives Dr. Bhofal Chambers has proposed that an amount of One Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (USD100, 000.00) be appropriated by the national legislature to each county directly to independently manage their funds for full participation in the annual County Meet to overcome the underfunding of the competition which has been a critical pressing national problem that the country has been and is still going through.

Speaker Chambers made the proposal against the background that all of the counties do not have the same capacity in preparing their teams and noted that they often travel under extreme conditions to games, expressing fear that if this trend continues, fairness in the process or the optimization of the County meet competition will be a distant reality, if not an illusion.

According to a release from the Office of Speaker Chambers, the third citizen was Speaking at the reception in honor of President George M. Weah and Vice President Madam Jewel Howard Taylor held in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building on Monday January 24, 2022, where he called for the state to take ownership of the event and not only rely on the goodwill of individuals. He said if this is done, counties that do not have the same endowment in terms of resources will have the opportunity to compete with other counties that have the means thereby ensuring that the objective of the National County Sports Meet (NCSM) will be realized.

Speaker Chambers further indicated that Two Hundred Fifty Thousand United State dollars (US$250,000) could be provided to the Youth and Sports Ministry for its supervisory role in the conduct of the competition.

The Liberian National County Meet is the top knockout County tournament of the Liberian football inaugurated in 1956.

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