Urey Working for Weah to Break Opposition -Cummings Vows to Follow Legal Process Once Served

The death knell of Liberia’s staunchest opposition bloc, the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) had been sounding loudly throughout the most part of 2021 due to internal wrangling, but their latest scuffle has left little doubt that the CPP has now dug its own grave, evidenced by the writ of arrest issued Monday, January 3, 2022 by CPP constituent member, the All Liberian Party (ALP), against another constituent party member’s political leader, Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, who in reaction said though he has not received the arrest writ yet; he is confident that Mr. Urey is being used by the Government to break the CPP apart.

Speaking to BBC Focus on Africa yesterday, Mr. Cummings said: “I think the ALP has decided to leave the CPP, which is their right, and therefore, I don’t understand the basis of these allegations. They are unfounded, and I believe it’s all political. I believe it’s unfortunate, that perhaps Mr. Urey is perhaps being used by the Government because a united opposition makes it more difficult for President Weah to repeat himself, but this action will leave us undeterred. We are determined to run the political course, to make our case to the Liberian people; to make Mr. Weah a one-term president,”

Questioned further as to whether he had altered the Framework Document as alleged in the Writ of Arrest, particularly the aspect that deals with constituent political parties leaving the CPP, Cummings replied: “I would say that is completely untrue. We did not alter the Framework Document. The Document was reviewed and approved by all political parties, and so the allegations are completely unfounded. We are about 18 months from the next elections, and this is all meant to discredit me; and again, it has absolutely no basis in the allegations that are being made.”

The allegations, Mr. Cummings stated, also apply to himself and his party. “I am not exempted from this amendment that is being alleged. So why would I alter such a document that equally affects me as it does everybody else? This is why this is baseless, it is political; but when we actually receive a writ, as a legal, law-abiding citizen, we will make ourselves available to whatever the processes are as per our lawyer’s recommendation,” he stated emphatically.

Queried as to whether a fractured opposition means an easy ride for President Weah in 2023, Mr. Cummings averred: “No. All this means is that one of the three political parties in the CPP has decided to leave; and is attempting to fracture the CPP. But there are other political parties, other political actors. We are determined to build a coalition that is likely to not include the ALP, to take on President Weah. And I am confident, given the President’s performance, and given a viable alternative, the Liberian people will make President Weah a one-term president; and we are committed to our effort of coalescing the opposition to make that a reality”

The ALP lawsuit against the ANC and others to be identified comes strangely after the ALP had recently withdrawn from the CPP, citing “uncertainties about the political future of the collaboration, the lack of strong will to implement the findings of the CPP FA Investigative Committee’s findings of the alterations of the CPP’s Framework Agreement, among other issues”.

According to the Writ of Arrest issued by the Republic of Liberia by and thru All Liberian Party and thru its National Chairman, Theodore Momo (Plaintiff) against Mr. Alexander B. Cummings and others to be identified, an order was released to arrest the living bodies of Alexander B. Cummings and others to be identified, defendants and forthwith bring them before the Monrovia City Magisterial Court, Temple of Justice, to answer to the crime of Forgery and Criminal Conspiracy, based upon the oath and complaint of the Republic of Liberia by and thru All Liberian Party by and thru its National Chairman, Theodore Momo.

The Writ further indicated that it is substantially alleged that during the period of May, A.D. 2020 up to and including July, A.D. 202, in the City of Monrovia, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, the within named defendant being there and then in violation of section 15.70 of the New Penal Law of Liberia, purposely connived, conspired, and jointly did alter the framework documents of the CPP, thus deceiving the private prosecutor and the public regarding the content and averments of the said document specifically the period a party may exit from the CPP, which was unresolved; but that the said defendants out of deception surreptitiously altered same, thereby making it to appear that the party has formerly resolved that issue and others appertaining thereto.

“The alleged act of the defendants being unlawful, wicked, criminal, illegal and intentional is in violation of section 15.70 and 10.2 of the New Penal Law of Liberia and then the crimes herein the defendants did do and commit,” the Court stated, indicating further that, contrary to the form force and effect to the statutory laws of Liberia in such cases made and proven against the peace and dignity for this Republic.

Interestingly, the very same ALP which just used the courts of Liberia to issue a writ of arrest against ANC political leader Alexander Cummings stated on December 30, 2021 that based on a decision made by its National Executive Committee (NEC), it had mandated its National Chairman and Political Leader to effect an immediate withdrawal of the party from the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP).

“The EC’s decision was made as a result of a comprehensive review of the party’s participation in the CPP – the uncertainties about the political future of the collaboration, the lack of strong will to implement the findings of the CPP FA Investigative Committee’s findings of the alterations of the CPP’s Framework Agreement, among other issues.

“At the end of a long period of intense deliberation concerning the original purpose, intent, political interest and viability of the ALP’s participation in the CPP, the EC in its December 23, 2021 extraordinary sitting, voted in majority to pull out of the CPP.

“Additionally, the EC also decided that the ALP will seek legal action for the unlawful attachment of its leader’s signatures to a filed) with National Elections Commission) July 14, 2020 photocopy version of what was purported to be an approved (by all parties of the CPP) Framework Agreement of the CPP.

“As per the process of pulling out of the CPP, the EC of the ALP cautioned the leadership of the party to exhaust all legal procedures in a timely manner as it effectuates the withdrawal process.

“Furthermore, the National Executive Committee of the party plans to reconvene to chart and carve a new roadmap for the ALP’s future engagement with other like-minded parties, in an effort to evolve a robust, unified, pragmatic, symbiosis and national-interest centered relationship to confront the 2023 general and presidential elections,” the ALP stated in a press release, noting that the EC’s meeting was concluded by the setting up of a Resolution Committee to document the decision and mandate of the EC.

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