UNDP Liberia has engaged major donors and civil society organizations in Monrovia on its draft Country Programme Document (CPD) that sets the stage for a new 5-year development plan in Liberia (2020-2024).
In a press release issued recently, the UNDP-Liberia said Donor funds are usually channeled through various programmatic areas where UNDP has its comparative advantages. The development plan is aligned with national priorities, as well as the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
During the briefing session, which is in continuation of a campaign to gauge the views of major stakeholders, UNDP Resident Representative Pa Lamin Beyai described the draft document as the “Strategic thinking for development in Liberia”.
He said comments from donors are imperative to help guide the implementation stages of the development plan.
Donors also represented include Sweden, Germany, Japan, African Development Bank (AFDB) United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The donors described the document as “solid and robust”, mentioning the need to solidify gains made in the areas of governance, peace and security, integrity, anti-corruption, private sector development among others.
Development Partners note that collective efforts are needed to tackle governance and rule of law priorities.
Similarly, during a briefing session in Monrovia with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), UNDP presented a platform that involves CSOs in the implementation of some of its programmes in the 2020-2024 Country Programme Document (CPD).
On behalf of UNDP Resident Representative (RR), Pa Lamin Beyai, Mulugetta Abebe RR a.i. and Deputy for Operations, asserted that CSOs remain core partners for UNDP in its development agenda.
Mulugetta said the new development framework is built on lessons learned from past programmes where UNDP has comparative advantage and is aligned with Government’s current national agenda (PAPD) as well as other international instruments-SDGs and UN Assistance Development Framework (UNDAF).
Representatives from over 25 civil society groupings dissected the draft program document, raising concerns and issues around, improving flagship programmes and structures, professionalizing CSOs, strengthening and building capacities, advocacy, induction programmes for new entrants in government, demystifying perceptions on corruption, sustainability, ownership, exit strategies, strategic partnership and unity within CSOs among others.
The briefing sessions are in continuation of UNDP”s conversation with key stakeholders involved in the implementation of various development programmes and projects, as it moves towards a new agenda for delivery to Liberia.
Currently in its draft form, UNDP seeks to solicit comments and feedback from partners on the new CPD before submission to its Executive Board in September for approval.
The CPD rests on a sound analysis and theory of change, which involves collaborative and integrated multi-sectoral work around specific target groups and geographic areas.
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