Former Liberian presidential candidate T.Q. Harris is sending a clarion call through his “Let’s Go Movement” for Liberians to rally and petition the National Elections Commissions and relevant authorities for all Presidential elections to be reduced to two competing political parties, which shall include the ruling party. He said this will put an end to the country’s disheveled political system and reduce electoral spending.
In a press statement issued May 29, 2022, Mr. TQ Harris said the year 2023 marks the beginning of a true democratic election process and the launch of Liberia’s Renaissance, but to achieve this, a one-time adjustment must be made as the nation transitions from the old to a new, more advanced political system, thereby ending the era of promoting individuals through elections into wealth and prominence while the masses suffer in abject poverty is over.
Proffering what he sees as the solution to Liberia’s perennial political conundrum, Mr. Harris is suggesting for politicians, in 2023, to present to the National Elections Commission (NEC) not more than two competing political parties, which shall include the ruling party; and only candidates of these two parties shall appear on the ballot, adding, “a one-round vote will reduce cost and prevent unnecessary chaos.”
“There shall be no Independent candidates in the 2023 election. We shall vote for ideas, solutions, and unity of our country, not for personalities. If politicians, in 2023, are unable to organize around two political entities, we the people shall proceed without delay to appeal to the ECOWAS, AU, and UN for technocrats who shall manage the affairs of state while politicians sort out their differences, organize themselves, and present platforms that are acceptable to the Liberian people.
Going further, the former UPP Chairman suggested that the platforms of the two competing political parties shall provide detailed explanation of the process by which they shall address particularly issues weighing heavily on the minds of the Liberian people.
Corruption, Deficiencies in Education, Unemployment, Health Care, Food Production, Crime & Security, Infrastructure, Overhaul of the Justice System, Decentralized governance, Protection of the Environment, and the Formation of War and Economic Crimes Courts are values which Mr. Harris suggested for the new political system to adhere to.
Harris’ new political dispensation further called on the two political parties to commit in writing that they would produce not later than 2026 a new, more appropriate Liberian Constitution; and for the President to step down if in 2027 members of the Legislature declare through majority vote ‘No-confidence’ in his or her leadership.
“If you support these efforts to pull Liberia back from the abyss and give the people a fighting chance, volunteer and submit names of persons whom you believe are genuinely committed to transforming our common patrimony for the benefit of all Liberians. The LET’S GO MOVEMENT is bringing together concerned citizens and people of good will to ensure positive results. We welcome your ideas, knowledge, expertise and collaboration.
“Let us together save our broken nation. If not us then who? If not now, when? Please share this good news and contact us by text or voice: +231 88 040-2479,” the Let’s Go Movement press statement averred.
In the wake of the pronouncement made by TQ Harris, political pundits opine that his suggestions run contrary to Chapter VIII Article 77 (a) of the 1986 Constitution which states inter alia: “since the essence of democracy is free competition of ideas expressed by political parties and political groups as well as by individuals, parties may freely be established to advocate the political opinions of the people. Laws, regulations, decrees or measures which might have the effect of creating a one-party state shall be declared unconstitutional”.
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