Support Capacity Building Initiative – Local NGO Appeals to Government

By: Anthony Q. Jiffan, II

A Local non-governmental organization named and styled Bill Rogers Youth Foundation (BRYR) is calling on the national government to support its initiative to develop youth at risk into strong adult leaders so that they can become role-models and mentors for those they referred to as “Liberia’s renowned middle-distance runner.”
The organization’s founder and executive director, Ambassador Bill Rogers, said his vision is to use sports to break down the cycle of violence and build unity among Liberian youths and the communities.
Rogers disclosed also that the foundation has already acquired about 20 acres of land in Konoquelleh Clan in Margibi County for the construction of a little over one million United States Dollars (1mUSD) recreation center that will be used to train young people in different areas and empower them through that same means.
He explained that the center will contain indoor basketball court, tennis court, soccer field, volleyball, outdoor track and field, mini clinic, staff unit, multi-purpose hall, dormitory (male and female), and Library and computer center.
The project, when implemented, will transform the lives less privileged youth population of Liberia and help them become productive citizens of the country.
He said that the Bill Rogers Youth Foundation is a non-for profit organization that is on a mission to help Liberian youths and children and develop their natural talents so they can positively impact their communities and the society at large.
Ambassador Rogers indicated that the 14 years of civil war has devastated Liberia and left an indelible mark on the citizens of whom the young people are in majority. This has creating hardship, poor educational system, and lack of job opportunity thus making the young people vulnerable,” he said.
According to him, his institution has come to buttress the effort of national government, especially the Pro-Poor Agenda for prosperity and development, which has been introduced by the CDC-led administration to transform those referred to as “ZOGOES” and make them useful to the society.
He furthered that since the establishment of the foundation in 2011, it has been involved in several ventures that has impacted and will continue transform the lives of young Liberians and make them agent for positive change.
The young Liberian added that through his workings two separate programs, a marathon was held with over 500 youth participating in each of the programs and walking away with prizes including medals, book bags, copy books and cash among others.
He said the foundation has built water stations in Monrovia and its environs including Margibi County, provided several anti-Ebola materials to affected home during the Ebola crisis.

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