Southeast Health Workers To Go-Slow -Give Authorities 15 Days Ultimatum

Health workers in Southeastern Liberia, specifically Grand Kru, Marland, Grand Gedeh, River Gee and Counties, are threatening to go-slow if health authorities in the respective counties in particular, and the Government of Liberia in general, fail to heed their plight within 15 years.

In a strongly-worded letter dated March 22, 2022 and addressed to the County Health Officer (CHO) of Grand Kru County, Dr. Woyee S. Wreh, the Southeastern Health Workers Network, representing health workers in Grand Kru, Marland, Grand Gedeh, River Gee and Counties, laid out conditions that need to be urgently addressed if they must remain at work

“We write with great reluctance and heavy hearts as health workers in the southeast of Liberia continue to diligently perform our assigned duties with additional assignments given us due to the shortage of workforce in various facilities. We have always tried to work as team players keeping in mind the ultimate success and growth of our health system.

“We take pride in working for our country. However, we would like to bring to your attention that with the current cost of living in the southeast of Liberia, most of the time, we are falling short of money in keeping with such high costs,” the Southeastern Health Workers Network stated.

The Network argued that authorities need to increase the salaries of health workers in extremely hard to reach counties in the southeast; pay salaries based on qualification; stop the unnecessary deduction in the name of insurance companies, and permanently employ all volunteer health workers receiving so-called incentives/direct replacement.

“With the above mentioned, we are recommending your response within 15 days to address our concerns, or you get prepared to observe a stay home action from the five southeastern counties of Liberia namely: Grand Kru, Marland, Grand Gedeh, River Gee and Counties respectively,” stated the Southeastern Health Workers Network letter signed by General Secretary John S. Neufville and approved by Chairman Jack Abednego Toe, both of the Grand Kru County Chapter.

Meanwhile, another group of health workers under the aegis of the Concerned Clinicians Association in Sinoe County has written to the Deputy Minister for Administration at the Ministry of Health, threatening to go-slow if similar corrective measures are not undertaken to address their plight.

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