Rev. Logan Slams Rev. Reeves’ Election as LCC Prexy  -Calls Him an “Established Politician”

Reverend Festus Logan , National Chaplain of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) has sharply criticized the election of Reverend Dr. Samuel Reeves as President of the Liberian Council of Churches (LCC), whom he described as an “established politician” and called on members of the LCC to revert the decision.

Reverend Logan who is also the Head of the Liberia Repatriation, Resettlement and Rehabilitation Commission (LRRRC) refused to accept the process that had Reverend Reeves and others mounting the saddle of affairs of the LCC and termed it “an imposition and intentional error” by certain individuals to force a leadership on the rest of the religious fraternity.

“I want to state categorically that the Liberia Council of Churches as an institution, as a catalyst for peace, as a catalyst for stability, I think there was an intentional error to impose a leader who is known politically as Vice Standard Bearer of MOVEE, the political party owned by former Central Governor Dr. Milton Jones.

“To allow an established politician to take the Presidency of the Liberia Council of Churches, I think is an error as a church, the LCC is in serious intentional error”, Reverend Logan said.

Reverend Logan made the exception to the process when he spoke to the OK FM morning ride on Monday, May 30, 2022 when he was asked to make his position on the election of the Baptist Preacher.

“The few individuals that made the decision should retract the decision; it is not in the good interest of the church and I must say that Rev. Reeves was recently in the United States a few months ago lobbying for sanction against Liberia. How can you take such an individual and make him President of LCC”, Rev. Logan wondered.

Going further to give reasons why Reeves should not have been elected the leader of LCC, the tough talking cleric said that the country is going to a critical election in 2023, and an issue may occur and the church as a peacemaker is called upon to speak out “and you have an established politician as President of LCC, what do you expect?, adding “I think the church is bringing itself to public ridicule”.

When asked whether he does not think that there was a due process, he said there was no due process followed because if it was done, Reeves would have not scaled through. He challenged the journalists to follow the track records of Reeves, especially his utterances because they don’t speak of someone who has what it takes to lead LCC.

“Just few weeks ago, he labeled partisans of the ruling party as “militant terrorists”. So how can this Dr. Reeves come back and tell me he will not be an enemy of the government and a friend of the government”

He accused Reeves of celebrating “rebels and killers” for twelve years, prayed for them and dine and wine with them, but when people from the lower ranks of the society from Gibraltar, Soniwen, West Point have found for themselves liberation, Rev. Reeves was labeling them as “militant terrorists”

Logan who had earlier described the leadership of the former President, Bishop Kortu Brown as worth celebrating though there were some issues but he was able to get around them, also said that he is a member of the “Body of Christ” and not necessarily a member of LCC but he was by circumstances a member because LCC was an imposition on the rest of the churches in Liberia as their representative.

Besides Reeves, Logan said there are also members elected on the executive committee of LCC who are members of the Pressure group, Council of Patriots (COP), thus turning LCC to a political institution.

“I am definitely sure Reverend Reeves has an interest in 2023 but what he has been looking for is the platform and he got it through LCC. Just a few weeks ago, you were calling for sanctions on the country you want to be president and I think it was an intentional error by the church to make that decision for Rev. Reeves to be President of LCC”, he noted.

He maintained that President Weah, given his own nature, will not be bothered with the controversy of the election in LCC as he likes to work with people despite any differences that may exist between him and others. Logan said he is speaking out first as a member of the body of Christ to speak the truth and also to speak against something that is of no good interest to the country.

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