MONROVIA: The Family of the late Thomas K. Farley, Sr. of Logan Town, District #15, Montserrado County is accusing their district representative Abu Kamara of using mob to threaten their lives and illegally survey parcels of their private properties without their consent. According to a communication that is in the possession of this paper, the family fear for their lives as mob allegedly loyal to Representative Kamara have threatened to physically harm the lives of their mother who is the widow and also an Administrator for the estate of the late Farley, their brother and other family members living in Logan Town, and even vowed to burn down the properties they acquired over 50 years ago.
The standoff between the Farley Family and the District 15 lawmaker reportedly erupted when some community youths, acting on the orders of Mr. Kamara started to fell trees on the Farley’s property in Logan Town on March 19, 2022.
“A family meeting was convened later that day to discuss the incident and what steps could be taken to address this matter. An aunt of ours, Betty Kambleh, who knew the community leader in the area spoke with him to discuss the matter. The community leader held a meeting with us in one of our houses on the properties and suggested that we hold a meeting with Representative Abu Kamara. Previously community youths had begun to approach our aged mother who is in her 80s, Martha W. Farley, for permission to begin to develop a football field that uses part and parcel of our property. We had earlier begun to have internal discussions as a family, to engage with the community and its representative, to draft a memorandum of understanding to facilitate said use so as to avoid future confusion relating to our readiness for personal use of the property,” the Farley Family indicated in their statement.
The family further stated that they held their first and only meeting with Representative Kamara on Saturday, March 19, 2022, twice on that day, based on the incident of the community youths felling trees on their property on the orders of the district representative.
“Our meeting that day with Representative Hon. Abu Kamara was firstly to inform him of the activities of those acting under his authority on our private property and our willingness to facilitate the use of a portion of said property through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). That evening, he met with members of our Family in our Home, including our aged Mother Martha W. Farley, the widow of our father and uncle, the late Thomas K. Farley, Sr. Representative Kamara later spoke with our brother Thomas K. Farley, Jr. who is residing in the USA on phone, and it was concluded that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be signed before any work would be done.
“Few days later, we couldn’t get Representative Kamara to sign the MOU, and things went south. He started moving yellow machines on our property, removing trees at the back of the property that were planted to prevent strong winds, and began filling all areas with red dirt through his first project Manager Adonijah Blamo. All attempts to get Representative Hon. Kamara to put an end to this proved futile.
“On April 1, 2022, in a so-called dedication ceremony, Representative Kamara, came to dedicate the football field project, at which time he called our aged mother a witch. On April 7, 2022, based on the advice of our legal counsel, we wrote a letter to Representative Kamara to stop all work done on our private property, and we sent a copy to the Speaker of the House of Representative, Hon. Bhofal Chambers. On May 6, 2022, we wrote a Letter to the Honourable Chairman of the Land Authority for intervention in this matter, to address the abuse of Power by Representative Hon. Abu Kamara and to desist from the use of mob justice to carry out his work on private property,” the Farley family indicated.
Continuing, the Farley family said, due to the backlog of cases with the Land Commission, and in order to safeguard their lives from threats of death, threats against their homes, and other threats issued by those working under the authority of Representative Abu Kamara, they moved the matter to Court.
“At first, the Court with jurisdiction over the matter would not hear us, under the pretext that Representative Hon. Abu Kamara was untouchable or could not be taken to Court as quoted by an official of the Court who said that “even his Chicken cannot be touched”, while at the same time the Representative continues to harass us, and abuse his power by doing work on private property, coupled with threats from those acting on his behalf.
“At the June term of Court 2022, we managed to bring a suit on those acting under his authority to be able to bring the matter to a Court of Competent Jurisdiction, where our case is still pending.
Mob Justice Survey
The Farley family said they were completely taken aback, despite all of the threats and provocations from those working under the directive of Representative Abu Kamara, when on the 19th of May 2023, they received a citation from surveyor Stephen J. Bing, License #68, to conduct a survey on their property, on behalf of Representative Hon. Abu Kamara, who had purchased an acre of property from the Gbee Family.
“We objected to the said survey, through our Counsel, on grounds that the matter is sub-judice pending determination by the Court. Surveyor Bing initially agreed, but refused to receive and sign the communication from our lawyers; and on the day of the survey, May 26, 2023, he proceeded to conduct a survey in the presence of EPS officers, policemen, the thugs they gathered (100 plus men), and Daniel Debois from the Land Authority who insisted he was acting under the authority of the government to enforce Eminent Domain on our property.
“On May 30, 2023, a writ issued by the Courts was resisted by the men under the authority of Representative Hon. Abu Kamara; and court officers were threatened with losing their Jobs while speaking with Representative Hon. Abu Kamara on the phone, and personally by the mob present. On the same day, we also filed a complaint with the Land Authority against Daniel Debois.
“Till present, an enclosed container is placed near the property, manned by over 100 men. With no orders of arrest from the court on the mob present, the men continue to linger, removing vegetation and damaging private property in order to fulfil a campaign promise of building a football pitch for District 15 Representative Abu Kamara,” the Farley Family stated categorically.
In an effort to authenticate the story from the Farley family, The Analyst contacted Representative Abu Kamara via mobile phone. He denied the allegation in a short response saying, “That is far from being real. I am not that kind of character”. When asked further he could not give details and said he was in the bathroom and that our reporter should call back later. After two hours, our reporter placed a call to him but an aide of Hon. Kamara answered the call and said, “Honourable Kamara is not available, he’s on the football field”.
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