Today President George Manneh Weah, Public Works Minister Mobutu Vlah Nyenpan and the entire CDC-led Government and its supporters will be walking with their heads up. These are people who came to political leadership preoccupied with enormous instincts and zeal for road development—devoting bulk of time and resources to connecting communities and cities with paved roads across the country. The first major tangible has shown face in one of Montserrado County’s major slum communities, Samuel K. Doe Community where lights-adorned asphalt pavement has sprouted up and is expected to be dedicated today. The Analyst reports.
The Ministry of Public Works has announced that the dedication of the Road project linking the Samuel Doe community to Clara TOWN in Monrovia will take place on today, Monday, December 24, 2018 at 10am in the Doe community.
The dedication of the 2.7 km road project will be done by President George MANNEH Weah and will be the first completed road pavement project under the CDC-led administration.
Speaking to journalists on the weekend, Public Works Minister, Mobutu Nyenpan, reiterated the commitment of his Ministry in the implementation of the pro-poor AGENDA through roads connectivity. He then thanked the President for his relentless support to the road sector.
President George Manneh Weah and an array of Government officials will be storming Bushrod Island today, specifically Doe Community, where celebrating slum dwellers will be welcoming them for the dedication of 2.7 kilometers of road. It’s certainly going to be a pleasant Christmas gift for a community where some of its inhabitants had hated to identify themselves with simply because it is a slum in a large swamp lacking paved streets and electricity.
That low self-esteem amongst the residents is expected to go away now because before the day goes they will be counted as a community with a modern 7-meter-wide road replete with sidewalks and street lights which has already attracted a swarm of residents, including students and petit traders making use of these facilities in their various ways particularly at night.
All this is so now because a Liberian government, once in their lives, has broken the record to commit public taxes to this long forgotten community named after the country’s military leader-turned politician, Samuel K. Doe, who broke the monopoly of power by a few elites that had ruled the country for 133 years.
Back in May, the Weah government signed a construction contract with SSF Entrepreneur to do the road for three months initially but the time was extended due to ceaseless rains.
The project is part of Government’s flagship development roadmap, Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) even though works started months before the Agenda was officially launched.
President Weah has maintained that his government’s priority of priorities is road connectivity which he believes constitutes the linchpin of all other development initiatives and programs. To this effect, the Government has swept much of domestic revenues, first ever in the history of governance in Liberia, and committed them to community roads. The noises of yellow machines have befallen communities across Montserrado, Margibi, Grand Bassa County and Bong Counties laying out and concreting tarmac roads and streets.
Meanwhile, the government has been in the frenzy of “legal hustles” for loans to, at the same time, speed up the building of asphalt pavements in the Southeast counties and Lofa County which are on records for being notorious for bad roads particularly during the raining season. The hustles have already netted huge commitments in millions of United States Dollars.
The dedication of the Doe Community Project today will send out strong signals from the government it is not taking its road priority lying down.
In the words of the Ministry of Public Works, the road activities “are aligned with the Pro-Poor Agenda overarching strategy that seek to ensure that all roads are pliable all year round and there is requisite capacity for road maintenance programs.”
“In addition, the project outcome is aligned with one of the Ministry of Public Works’ strategic medium to long term objectives that aim to transform key community roads at all weather asphalt pave roads, reduced travel time, less travel cost and increase price of farmer’s production.”
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