As an American Educated Liberian and a professor of Blacology of Cultural Science Research and Development Institute USA Liberian Mission. It is indeed my obligation to intellectualize my people by emphatically without compromise, acknowledging them the uncomfortable truth, to the uncomfortable Liberian populace, in these uncomfortable times, during these uncomfortable political and social construction of reality in our once upon a time when we were meritocratically placed in public domine.
Historically, the National Commission of Higher Education in Liberia was the center of legitimate certification and qualification for the establishment and operation of academic institutions in Liberia. An institution of this prestigious magnanimity has always been directed by a relatively qualified and characteristically a Liberian of dignity with transparent ethical Liberian of trusted and responsible values. It is from all indications that I elucidate my apprehensive, discontent, and uneasiness to President Weah’s nomination of Dr. Edward Lama Wonkenyor as Director General of the National Commission of Higher Education of the Republic of Liberia.
It is imperative that I outline few of my culturally conscious reasons for discontent: (1) Dr. Edward Lama Wonkeryor is my longtime friend whom I have academically, politically, administratively, socially, and morally supported in the USA and Liberia (Cuttington University 2011to 2016 respectively). My profound disappointment in Dr. Lama was his failure to govern the administration and students responsibly and transparently at The William V.S. Tubman University where he served as President. Dr. Lama failed to fallow my moral and ethical admonishment, as a result, he was forced through students and administration protests out of the university. As a so-called educated Liberian who went to school in the USA, Dr. Lama supposed to know better that the students, staff, and the employees who are relatively the parents of the students come first Dr. Lama is a strong family and tribal member of Senator Prince Johnson. The Senator has strongly advocated for Dr. Lama when he was forced OUT OF W.S.T.U.
Investigations revealed that Senator Prince Johnson forced Dr. Lama onto the Nimba County Community College as President. Philosophically, it is only as a man puts up by himself all external supports, and stands alone, that I see him to be stronger and to prevail. He is weaker by every regrettable attempt if he devalues and underestimates the people. He is not a man bigger man than the town and the people. Dr. Edward Lama Wonkoryor was once again in trouble with his on Nimba County people and students based on once again corruption, nepotism, and exploitation and mismanagement. Dr. Lama was once again forced out of Nimba County Community College disgracefully and with an unprofessional reflect on good educators. I am positive that President George Weah is cognizant of the problematic and national embarrassing behavior exhibited by Dr. Lama over the years in Liberia whenever he is unmeritocratically put in position by who you know culture.
Mr. President, I am an independent scholar and a critical free-thinking liberation Blacologist, a scientific study of Black African people in general and Liberia in particular. I am coming to as an American Educated Liberian Scholar and Cultural Scientist to respectfully explore of your good offices to reconsider in resending the nomination of Dr. Edward Lama Wonkorwor as Director General of The Commission of Higher Education of the Republic of Liberia. Do not appoint people in these unelected position under the conditions that they will promote your reelection. Blacology Research and Development Institute USA Liberian Mission is nationally, internationally, regionally culturally youth conscious intellectual institution. Our institution supports your administration whenever your efforts in the development of our country is made. Thus far, we think that you relatively trying your best. However, I am apprehensive about your perpetual nomination and selective process with specific case of your present nomination of Dr. Lama who has leadership and transparent personality problems. There are other qualified Liberians for that position is only if your nomination is not politically motivated with specific concentration on the Nimba County Prince Johnson phenomena,
Professor Dr. Amos M.D. Sirleaf (Ph.D.) Blacology Research and Development Institute USA Liberian Mission.
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