Pres. Weah Distributes Food Item -To Health Centers in Monrovia, Other Places

President Dr. George Manneh Weah has begun the distributions of assorted food items to underprivileged citizens in the wake of Liberia’s 172nd Independence Day celebration throughout the country.

The President’s food distribution process to the less fortunate Liberians is headed by Mr. Toe Wesseh, head of special services in the office of the President and coordinated by President George Manneh Weah’s Chief of Protocol, Ambassador Nora Finda Bundoo.

The food distribution team said the Liberian leader’s gesture, which is aimed at meeting the needs of the people, is also in line with the mandate of the President’s welfare and social responsibility.

Mr. Wesseh indicated that the distribution of the assorted food consignments is targeting several public medical centers, including the John F. Kennedy Medical Hospital, Redemption Hospital, TB Annex as well as facilities in Bomi, Bong and Margibi Counties among others.

He said the distribution of the assorted food items to these medical hospitals across the country is a continuation of President Weah’s July 26, 2019 Independence Day’s celebration. The process started with an outreach protocol to the less fortunate people, some of whom are living in the streets of Monrovia and other communities around the Capital City.

TB Annex received 50 bags of rice, five cartoons of fish while the JFK Medical Hospital received 150 bags of rice along with several cartoons of fish. The distribution to these facilities is similar to distribution at in other parts.

Mr. Wesseh said the gesture was President Weah’s passionate celebration with patients at these medical centers demonstrating the president and the government has not and will not forget about its people especially those that were lying on their sick begs as the Liberian nation was celebrating its 172nd independence.

The distribution, he indicated, was President Weah’s way of bringing the government very closure to every citizen, including the underprivileged, physically challenged and those who were living in with difficult circumstances at various health facilities due to illness.

Mr. Wesseh stated that he was instructed by President Weah to appreciate the works of the staffs at JFK Medical Center, TB Annex and every other health workers who is contributing to the survivability of those in pains and sorrows, fighting survival through the assistance of health workers.

In separate remarks, TB Annex Coordinator Dr. Gbokar and JFK’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Jerry F. Brown thanked President Weah for the care and love shown to patients at these public health facilitates in the country.

The further said the food items given to patients were very timely as it would help buttress food care programs for patients at various medical centers, especially during this time of celebrating Liberia’s Independence Day.

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