Opposition Leaders To Launch Dillon’s Campaign

By Sallu K.Swaray

Leaders of the four Opposition Collaborating Political Parties are expected to spearhead the launch the campaignof the senatorial candidate Abraham Darius Dillon for the upcoming Montserrado County senatorial and District #15 representative bi-elections slated to for July 8, 2019.

The leaders of the  four Opposition Collaborating Political Parties including the political leaders of Alternative National Congress (ANC),  Alexander Cummings, the opposition Collaborating Opposition Parties Chairman Benoni W. Urey, former Vice President and Standard Bearer of former ruling Unity Party Joseph N. Boakai, the Liberty Party Political Leader and Standard-bearer  Charles W. Brumskine are also expected to lead the political march rallying supporters bat the launch of the Dillon Campaign.

Montserrado County Senatorial Candidate Abraham Darius Dillon who made the disclosure at Lajou Soccer Pitch in Caldwell said the participation of the leaders of the four Collaborating Opposition Political Parties in the process is to give more impetus to weigh on the climax of the Telia Urey and Dillon’s Montserrado County Representative Senatorial campaign slated on July 5, 2019 at the Unity Party’s Headquarters in Congo Town.

According to Mr. Dillon, the July 5th rally would begin at 10:00 AM with a grand parade march through the main streets of Monrovia, climaxed with an indoor program at the Headquarters of the Unity Party.

Mr. Dillion said he wants all of his supporters, sympathizers and well-wishers amongst other meaningful Liberians to gather in their numbers to show their love and commitment to the quest for better Liberia to ensure that his senatorial bid for the County will become successful.

He indicated that his vying for the vacant seat as senator for Montserrado County is not about Darius Dillion; but it is about a representation at the Liberian Senate which I will speak or advocate on behalf of the Liberian people to make the county benefits on some of the good development that supposed to come or happen.

Dillon noted that he wants all Liberians to turn out at the June 5th launching program,   admonishing them to come to the launch in their various party T-Shirts of the ALP, the ANC, the LP, and the UP to symbolize the presence of the four opposition political parties at the occasion.

Your presence at the launch for Telia Urey for Representative for Montserrado County District #15 and the senatorial bid for aspirant Abraham Darius Dillions will also send a signals for our landslide victory, Mr. Dillon stressed.

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