“Only Competent and Qualified Leaders can end Poverty, Hardship” -Cummings Tells Citizens in Clara Town

Increased poverty and the lack of essential social services will continue to haunt Liberia, unless Liberians elect competent and qualified leaders to efficiently and honestly manage the resources for the general benefit of all Liberians, the Alternative National Congress (ANC), Political Leader, Mr. Alexander Cummings has told thousands of residents in Clara Town, Bushrod Island.

Clara Town, located in District#14, Montserrado County, is a densely populated economically depressed community, with over 50,000 registered voters and among the poorest without reliable electricity, pipe-born water, hospital and school system.

The Presumptive CPP Standard Bearer blamed the deteriorating state of affairs of the community and the country on the ongoing massive corruption and ineptitude of the current administration of President George Weah.

According to Mr. Cummings, President Weah has mismanaged the economy and cannot control stealing in his administration.

Mr. Cummings spoke during a community engagement and tour of several communities in Clara Town.

He told the community dwellers that it is” unacceptable to see the masses lingering in abject poverty, in the midst of the abundance of natural resources our country has been blessed to possess, as well as the immense international support and assistance to Liberia, over the years.”

The businessman turned politician cautioned Liberians against repeating past mistakes by electing  corrupt, tainted and  recycled politicians, whose actions have over the years robbed the people of a better life and the building of a prosperous nation.

Elders, Women and youth groups in Clara Town complained of years of government neglect, the lack of improved healthcare services, poor quality schools, lack of electricity and safe drinking water, and the frustrating challenge of dealing with years of unending flood disasters, especially during rainy seasons.

An estimated 60,000 school-age children and youths are out of school, they said, while the unemployment rate is skyrocketing especially amongst women and the youth of Clara Town. The Clara Town residents pointed to women as the main breadwinners for families in the community amidst the rising joblessness and high costs of living.

The elders and community leaders took the CPP Presumptive Standard Bearer along with other party stalwarts of the ANC on a guided tour of several communities including Freeport, Clara Town, Doe Community, and visited and interacted with members of the Clara Town Renaissance Intellectual Center.

The residents, including Muslims and Christian leaders, pledged support to Mr. Cummings’ Presidential Bid and offered special prayers, and made some passionate pleas for assistance and personal loan schemes for women who have now become breadwinners for their families.

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