NPP Convention Holds Oct 7 -Adjusts List Of Delegates

MONROVIA – The former ruling National Patriotic Party (NPP) has reaffirmed that its 7th Biennial Convention slated for October 7, 2022 in Paynesville, Montserrado County will go on as scheduled but made some downward adjustment in the number of delegates earlier billed to attend the event that is expected to elect key party officials including the National Chairman and other positions.

According to a press statement issued by the party, signed and approved by Mr. Andrew Peters, National Secretary General and Senator James P. Biney, National Chairman, the party informed its partisans most of whom were making preparations to attend the event who include county chairs, auxiliary heads, and others that due to the inability of the party to raise the initial budget of USD100k to cater for the earlier 638 delegates, a decision was reached on September 4, 2022 at its national headquarters at Tarr Town, Oldest Congo Town.

According to the release 39 members of the national executive committee will attend the program along with delegates drawn from the various political subdivisions in the country, With that arrangement, Montserrado will produce the highest delegates of 20 persons and followed by Nimba with 12 delegates while Bong comes up with 10 delegates and Lofa and Grand Bassa

Counties will bring 8 delegates each respectively.

Besides Rivercess and Grand Kru Counties with 5 each, the rest of the counties, River Gee, Maryland, Grand Gedeh, Sinoe, Gbarpolu and Grand Cape Mount Counties will produce 6 delegates each.

While an official of the party told The Analyst last night that Senator James P. Biney will be seeking for re-election as National Chairman is will be facing Mr. Mark Kishen, a staunch partisan while former Bong County lawmaker, George Mulbah and Counsellor Stanley Kparkillen will be slugging it out on who becomes the next Vice Chairman. Other positions penciled down for contest were neither named nor persons aspiring for them were made public.

The official also said that the final decision whether to support the re-election bid of President George Manneh Weah and VP Jewel Howard Taylor or not will be made at the convention.

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