The National Democratic Congress has issued a strong worded press statement condemning the attack on members of the Student Unification Party(SUP) who had staged a peaceful protest to bring to public attention some of the policies which according to them have brought untold sufferings on the masses on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 and holds the government “directly responsible for the brutality displayed by the state sponsored thugs against the leaders and militants of SUP on July 26” as well as calling on the international community which includes, the Economic Community of West African States(ECOWAS), the African Union, the United Nations, the European Union, the United States government and all other international friends of Liberia to stop the government from perpetuating what it called “evil in Liberia”
According to the press release issued by the party, signed and approved by Messrs Alaric Tokpa and Nyaquoi Kargbo, National Chairman and Political Leader respectively, NDC strongly condemned “the brutal attack of the wicked George Weah CDC dictatorship on the courageous University of Liberia student community for organizing and leading the FixOurCountry campaign during the 175th anniversary of Liberia’s independence.
According to the press release issued by the party, signed and approved by Alaric K. Tokpa and Nyaquoi K. Kargbo, National Chairman and Political leader respectively, NDC narrated that On July 26, 2022, the brave militants of the Student Unification Party (SUP) of the university of Liberia used the occasion to call national and international attention to the plight of the Liberian people through the peaceful FixOurCountry demonstration. It said the concerns raised by the students have been attested to nationally by political parties, civil society organizations, religious institutions, and members of the Liberian public for a very long time.
“The National Democratic Coalition (NDC) strongly condemns the brutal attack of the wicked George Weah CDC dictatorship on the courageous University of Liberia student community for organizing and leading the FixOurCountry campaign during the 175th anniversary of Liberia’s independence.
“The July 26 attack on the leaders and militants of SUP led to physical injuries to young people and future leaders of Liberia. We do not know yet whether any death will result. But, by unleashing state sponsored thugs on the University of Liberia students, the ineffective Weah government has only added to the list of atrocities that it continues to commit in Liberia.
“The shameful reaction of the government to the FixOurCountry campaign is a clear indication that the roguish Weah administration will not perform or cooperate to improve the conditions of the Liberian people. It is therefore time for Weah to leave. So, Weah must go!
“If blood has become the only acceptable price for freedom, peace, social justice, and development in Liberia, the University of Liberia students, under the formidable and fearless leadership of SUP have made the ultimate sacrifice. Weah must go!
“By now, it should be clear to the Weah administration that no one has a monopoly over violence in a post war country. The choice to express constitutional rights is not cowardice. The desire for peace in Liberia is not cowardice. The determination to remove the Weah government from power through the ballot box is what the democratic and progressive forces fought for with their lives. That is what will be pursued unabated. However, if the Weah government has chosen to invite the application of violence in the political field, it should have itself to blame.
“The international community should not sit by and watch the Weah dictatorship drown Liberia in blood and instability before intervening. It’s time for Weah to go”, the release said.
In conclusion, NDC said the false belief that the children and people of Liberia can be brought into submission through violence is an illusion, adding that after the July 26 attack on the peaceful University of Liberia student demonstrators, the Weah dictatorship has a choice to make; either to avoid future violence against the Liberian people and get ready to leave office come 2023 or speed up its own downfall. “Whatever the case, the NDC remains committed to standing with the constitutional and legitimate demands of the University of Liberia students and the downtrodden people of Liberia”, the statement concluded.
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