MONROVIA: The Mt. Galilee Baptist Church in Careysburg, Montserrado County on Sunday, May 12, honored Deacon Mydea White Simmons as the Mother of the Year 2024-2025, for her invaluable services to the Church and humanity.
Ms. Simmons, a recipient of an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Divinity from the Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary, has served in various capacities in the church, rendering humanitarian and educational assistance to hundreds of members of the church, communities and as well as people in difficult circumstances, according to the Mt. Galilee Baptist Church.
Ms Simmons is an alumnus of the Cuttington University College in Liberia and the University of Minnesota in the United States and holds a Master’s degree in Education Administration. She was the founder of the Child Development Academy, an educational institution in 1997.
She is credited with starting the Muriel Russell School at the Providence Baptist Church, where she was also selected as Mother of the Year, in 2005.
Ms. Simmons has held several positions including President of the Baptist Women Union of West Africa, and Vice President of the Baptist Women Union of Africa and has travelled extensively throughout Africa to organize international conferences and encourage and motivate women to undertake meaningful projects aimed at alleviating poverty and improving their lives.
She is an ordained Deacon at the Mt. Galilee Baptist Church in Careysburg and was inducted as Chairperson of the Deacon Ministry, with active participation in activities aimed at fostering unity, and development within the Church as well as the promotion of personal growth and achievement.
The General Grand Worthy Matron, Worthy Sister Sonia F Roberts accompanied by an array of Grand Chapter Officers of the Order of Eastern Star, along with the Grand Master of Mason, Most Worshipful Bro. Anthony W. Deline and Officers of the Grand Lodge graced the special Mother’s Day program.
Ms Mydea White Simmons is currently the Associate General Grand Matron of the General Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, an appellant body of the Grand Lodge of Mason, Republic of Liberia.
Three other women including Sisters Brenda Brewer Moore, Ne-Suah Beyan Livingstone, and Benita Whitney were also honored as Special Mothers of the Mt. Galilee Baptist Church for their invaluable services to the Church and humanity.
In a statement of appreciation, Mother Mydea White Simmons expressed gratitude to the Church for the recognition of her invaluable services to not only the Church but also to mankind.
She recalled how her upcoming and her interactions as well as her professional engagement have always been influenced and guided by certain biblical principles, quoting extensively the 23rd Psalm of the Holy Bible.
The Mt. Galilee Baptist Church Mother 2024-2025, expressed gratitude and appreciation for the huge turnout of hundreds of other important personalities and the impressive occasion which was characterized by the recitations of Mother Simmon’s laudable humanitarian assistance as well as a big fundraising for the Church.
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