MOA Sprays 17 Caterpillars Infested Towns

MONROVIA: The Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), has sprayed 17 towns in central and northern Liberia – mainly in Bong and Nimba counties where caterpillars had been plaguing farms and plants since start of June this year.

Since June 1, MOA’s field officers have reported 58 towns in 7 of Liberia’s 15 counties infested with an army of caterpillars.

Few towns and villages in Bomi, Bong, Gbarpolu, Lofa, Margibi, Nimba and Rivercess reported infestation of the caterpillars.

MOA’s technicians spraying affected communities are equipped with bio-pesticides, and motorized and knapsack sprayers to stop the invasion and curb the damages to crops and halt the caterpillars from contaminating water sources.

Other management options such as the use of biological and cultural controls are also being tested in the field.

The MOA is continuing surveillance across the country to monitor the caterpillars’ movements and working to contain its spread.

Liberia’s Minister of Agriculture, Jeanine M. Cooper, has constituted an Incident Management System to respond to the infestation.

MOA assures farmers and affected communities as well as the public of its commitments in working with regional and international stakeholders and partners to combat the caterpillars spread and infestation.

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