LP Special Convention Opens Today in Ganta -As Delegates expected to make major Decisions

The much awaited 2day Special National Convention of the opposition Liberty Party (LP) is expected to kick off today, Friday, December 17, 2021 in Ganta City, Nimba County after Thirteen (13) out of the Fifteen (15) County Chairpersons of the Party endorsed  the outcome of the meeting of the National Executive Committee held on November 20, 2021 in Ganta City, Nimba County. The Ganta Convention is intended to review the ongoing crises within the party and make decisions in the interest of the party and country, among which is to endorse a Presidential candidate that will lead the ticket of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), according to sources within the party hierarchy.

According to report filed by our Nimba County correspondent who is covering the convention, massive preparations have been completed and that almost all of the delegates who are slated to participate in the program are already in Ganta.

According to the list of those who signed the resolution in favor of the Special Convention , only Romeo Coker and George Gaybueh Chairpersons for Montserrado and Grand Bassa Counties respectively did not attend and sign but the rest of the Chairpersons from the 13 counties including Bong, Bomi, Rivercess, RiverGee, Maryland, Grand Gedeh, Sinoe, Grand Kru, Nimba, Lofa, Grand Cape Mount  and Gbarpolu, all signed to commit themselves to the call for the holding  of a special convention to resolve all the issues in the party.

In their resolution which was dated on November 25, 2021, among other things trace the foundation of the issues within the party and pointing out the need to convene a special convention to find a last solution to the issues.

“Whereas we believe in the value of collective leadership and that democratic values are cardinal qualities of representative democracy whereby a decision making within the Liberty Party should reflect the diversity of its leadership and stakeholders;

“Whereas we strongly believe that our national political landscape would be in a much better position when we exercise our individual rights and respect the will of the majority;

“Whereas the reputation of our party has been ruined by the current chain of internal misunderstandings and conflicts for the past nine months with no signs of capacity by the NEC to resolve them”, the resolution said.

The resolution which lamented the lingering crisis within the party and the effect it may have on the party chances in 2023 went on to say,

“Whereas this unprecedented national embarrassment of restless conflict imposed on our party has reached beyond tolerance

“Whereas Article VIII section a & d under “Special National Convention” states that: “On the votes of two-third of the membership of the national executive committee, with information to the Standard Bearer or Political Leader, a Special National Convention maybe called by the Standard Bearer/Political Leader and or national executive committee when “There exists uncertainty or dispute in the party as to the direction of the party” and “where there is an issue in the party that cannot be resolved by the national executive committee;”

“Whereas the Liberty Party has and continues to bath in a pool of unending internal conflict thus greatly affecting the smooth operations and performance of the institution”, the document said.

“Whereas our functions as chairperson and leaders of the Liberty Party in the 15 counties continues to be undermined by the classic internal conflict;

“Whereas our desire to play active roles in the pending 2023 general and presidential election is being hindered by the current internal and disunity amongst our national leaders;

“Now therefore it is resolved that we the county chairpersons and leaders of the Liberty Party do hereby publicly and sincerely express our support to the NEC’s November 20, 2021 to call for a special national convention for the purpose of resolving this internal conflict and clearly define the political direction of our party and partisans”.


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