LP Holds Special Mop Up Convention April 23 -To Settle Leadership, Constitutional, LP-ANC MOU, Other Issues

MONROVIA : The opposition Liberty Party has issued a citation under the aegis of its National Chairman Musa Hassan Bility by the authority vested in him through the Party’s Constitution, and upon approval of the National Executive Committee in line with constitutional mandate, to hold a Special National Convention on April 23, 2022, to among other things deliver and deliberate on the National Chairman’s State of the Party Address; review the resolution reached for LP to not feature a Standard Bearer in the 2023 Presidential and General Elections, in light of the current status of the LP-ANC MOU and the CPP, determine actions and resolutions arising, and determine the Party’s position as it relates to the 2023 Presidential and General Elections; and make amendments to specific provisions of the Liberty Party Constitution.

The March 21, 2022 LP Citation for a Special Convention comes against the backdrop of the party’s recent suspension and removal from office of their Standard Bearer and Political Leader, Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence and other executives for non-payment of dues.

According to the LP Citation, the Special Convention is cushioned on the party’s Constitution, specifically Article VIII Sections 1, 2 and 3, wherein the it is provided that, on the vote of two-third of the membership of the National Executive Committee (NEC), with official information to the Standard Bearer/Political Leader, the NEC may convene a Special National Convention once there exists uncertainty or dispute in the Party as to the direction of the Party; when the Party loses a Presidential election; when the Party loses two consecutive by-elections; or when there is an issue in the Party that cannot be resolved by the NEC.

The LP Constitution also provides for the Special Convention in the event of the election of new national officers (with the exception of the Standard Bearer, who shall be elected by the National Convention); the revision of the Constitution and Bylaws, the Party’s Platform; or the issuance of guidelines to address such national circumstances or emergency as may be beyond the authority of the NEC.

According to the LP Citation, Article VIII, Section 2, of the Liberty Party (LP) Constitution provides that, the NEC, in collaboration with the Political Leader, shall appoint a Special National Convention Planning Committee which shall adopt the rules and procedures of the Special National Convention, to be approved by the NEC.

“WHEREAS Article VIII, Section 3, of the Liberty Party (LP) Constitution provides that, the Standard Bearer/Political Leader or Chairperson, who called the Special National Convention, shall preside over the meeting; and whereas it has now become necessary to bring certain matters before the constitutionally authorized body for resolution and approval, including making revisions to the Party’s Constitution and Bylaws and resolving some uncertainties as to the direction of the Party that cannot be resolved by the NEC, and the position of Political Leader is now vacant as a result of suspension and removal from office of the former Political Leader, Sen. Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence, now therefore, I, Musa Hassan Bility, National Chairman of Liberty Party, by the authority vested in me by the Party’s Constitution, and upon approval by the National Executive Committee in line with constitutional mandate, do hereby issue this Citation to a Special National Convention on April 23, 2022 for the following purposes:  1) To deliver and deliberate on the National Chairman’s State of the Party Address; 2) To review the resolution reached for LP to not feature a Standard Bearer in the 2023 Presidential and General Elections, in lights of the current status of the LP-ANC MOU and the CPP, determine actions and resolutions arising, and determine the Party’s position as it relates to the 2023 Presidential and General Elections; and 3) To make amendments to specific provisions of the Liberty Party Constitution,” the Musa Hassan Bility-signed Citation stated emphatically.

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