MONROVIA: The opposition Liberty Party (LP), a constituent member of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), has finally expelled and revoked the membership of their embattled political leader Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence along with a host of party officials for campaigning or contesting on the opposition Unity Party ticket in direct violation of decisions and Resolutions taken at the LP Convention. The LP has therefore warned the affected ex-officials against using the party’s name or emblem otherwise they will face the full weight of the law.
According to a Liberty Party press release dated July 14, 2023, under the signature of LP National Chairman Musa Hassan Bility, the expulsion and revocation of LP membership directly affects Grand Bassa County Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, Montserrado County Senator Abraham Darius Dillon, and Lofa County Senator Steve Zargo.
Others affected by the Liberty Party action include Mr. Jacob Smith, Mr. Prince Toles, and Mr. Daniel Sando.
“This action comes as a result of these individuals’ decision to either participate as Unity Party (UP) campaign officials or contest on the UP ticket in the upcoming Presidential and General Elections, which is in direct violation of decisions and Resolutions taken at the LP Convention.
“The LP hereby issues a stringent warning to these individuals that going forward, any unauthorized use of the LP name will result in legal action against them. The LP also warns the general public that anyone or group joining in the unauthorized use of the LP name for any reason will be enjoined in any such legal action, the LP release stated.
Buttressing the press release, the Liberty Party on July 14, 2023 wrote the six affected officials separately, stating the specific reasons why they were expelled and their membership revoked.
For Senator Karngar-Lawrence, the LP said it had come to the attention of the National Committee that she had been named to, and had accepted the position of Campaign Chair for the Unity Party (UP) 2023 Presidential and General Elections Campaign Team.
“We respect that the freedom of association is a right guaranteed to all Liberians under our Constitution and we interpose no objection to your exercising that right. However, you will also respect that as an LP member and a Senator elected under the LP ticket, you are duty-bound to maintain the Party line and support Party policies agreed to by a majority of the party leadership. You are fully aware that the LP Convention, the highest decision-making body of the LP, has approved and authorized LP’s status as a member of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) and has endorsed Mr. Alexander B. Cummings as the Standard Bearer of the CPP.
“Your action, which signals that you are no longer aligned with the LP’s mission, vision, and objectives and that you have, instead, chosen to align with and support the UP’s mission, vision, and candidates in the ensuing elections, is a clear abdication of your duties as an LP Member.
“In light of the above, please let this letter serve as formal notification that you have effective immediately been expelled from the Liberty Party and your membership in the LP has been revoked,” National Chairman Bility said in his letter to Senator Lawrence.
With similar content as Senator Lawrence’s, Senator Dillon’s letter said he was expelled and his membership revoked for been named to, and accepting the position of Montserrado Campaign Chair for the Unity Party (UP) 2023 Presidential and General Elections Campaign Team; while Mr. Daniel Sando was expelled and his membership revoked because he has become a spokesperson for the Unity Party (UP) 2023 Presidential and General Elections Campaign Team and has participated in media shows promoting the UP Agenda.
Mr. Jacob Smith for his part was expelled and his membership revoked for been named to, and accepting a position of Campaign Liaison for the Unity Party (UP) 2023 Presidential and General Elections Campaign Team; while Senator Zargo was expelled and his membership revoked for allegedly contesting in the upcoming Presidential and General Elections on the UP ticket for the seat of Senator, Lofa County.
As for Liberty Party member Prince Toles, the Bility letter said he was expelled and his membership revoked for contesting in the upcoming Presidential and General Elections on the UP ticket for the seat of Representative, Montserrado County, District 8.
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