LCC Talks Tough to National Elections Commission -Warns NEC to repent or be overhauled

Since the demise of Catholic Archbishop Michael Kpakala Francis, the Liberian public seems to be bereft of the guiding moral compass especially as it relates to the safeguarding of the country’s nascent democracy. But the latest stance of the Liberia Council of Churches, under the leadership of President Bishop Kortu K. Brown, is proving that there is still light at the end of the tunnel. The outspoken President of the Liberia Council of Churches (LCC) has issued a stern warning to the Liberia National Elections Commission (NEC) to deploy the spirit of repentance baptism, which according to him is urgently needed prior to the 2023 general elections.  

Speaking over the weekend during the Apostolic Pentecostal Church International (APCI) 14th general Biennial Conference held at New Water in the Desert Assembly, in Browerville City, the    Liberian clergyman cautioned the election commissioners to play a neutral role at all times.

Bishop Brown further stated that the Liberia Council of Churches won’t hesitate to mobilize for a restructuring at the NEC if the commissioners refused to be nonaligned. 

“NEC needs repentant baptism or I won’t hesitate to mobilize for the institution to be restructured,” he averred.

The LCC President also noted that the National Elections Commission should conduct an in-house overhauling before leading the country to the 2023 general elections.

He further stated that the National Elections Commission plays a major role in upholding the peace and stability of Liberia, something he said should be a priority.

According to Bishop Brown, “The reason they should repent is because the peace of this country should be every citizen’s major concern”.

The LCC President also disclosed that the religious body will be very vigilant in projecting any future electoral ferocity which might have the propensity of derailing the already fragile peace, and draw the country into international embarrassment.

Bishop Brown further disclosed, “The National Elections Commission has total freedom as an autonomous agency to act in accordance with its moral duty rather than individual desires”.

Meanwhile, the Apostolic Pentecostal Church International (APCI) 14th General Biennial Conference also re-launched its Food Security Program.

Making the disclosure during the conference, Bishop Kortu Brown who is the General Overseer of the Apostolic Pentecostal Church International, displayed imported Okra seeds, which he said were brought in the country to assist local farmers.

Bishop Brown narrated that this program which was initiated by APCI years back is now a priority, as the church joins forces to end hunger in Liberia.

The Liberian clergyman however used the occasion to seek support from interested partners.

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