Amidst widespread condemnations of disparaging assertions made in their book against the First Lady of Liberia, Madam Clar Weah, the President of the Liberia Council of Churches (LCC) has remarked that what Messrs Isaac V. Tukpah and co-writer, Emmanuel Clarke did amounts to committing the “sin of presumption” which is taking things for granted or “overstepping due bounds”. Bishop Kortu K. Brown spoke at a Special Thanksgiving Worship service at the New Water in the Desert Assembly in Brewerville, Montserrado County on February 5, 2022.
Bishop Brown said, according to some commentaries, presumptuous sins are premeditated, precipitated by the intent to sin and a time of deliberation before the act. Presumptuous sins, Reverend Brown said, can only be committed in suppression of the conscience and in spite of its appeals.
“In their book, ‘George Weah: The Legend, The Rise to Power’, both men discussed the private life of the First family of Liberia without even any courteous reference to the First Lady. It was wrong and disrespectful knowing the gullibility of the Liberian society. In the book of Leviticus Chapter 10 in the Bible, two men, Nadab and Abihu offered incorrectly measured incense to God and assumed He would accept it. They assumed their action was true or permissible. In our African culture, what Isaac and Emmanuel did is not permissible. It is ridiculous. It is shameful! It is unacceptable! They should without any doubt and/or argument, apologize to the First Lady,” the LCC president stated unequivocally.
Bishop Brown further noted that in the Old Testament, the sin of presumption was grave, and was considered a reproach to the Lord.
“According to Numbers Chapter 15 verse 30, the Lord spoke to Moses saying “But the person who does anything presumptuously, whether he is a native-born or a stranger, that one brings reproach to the LORD…”. To assume that an action is right without considering the consequences and/or seeking advice as to the correctness of the action is to be acting defiantly and disregarding the liberties of other people, the averred cleric lamented. It has been said that every sin is a rebellion against God but presumption supersizes the wrong or misjudgment. The comments are therefore a reproach to the country and our womenfolk. It must be rejected by all,” Bishop Brown noted.
Narrowing the LCC condemnation to the aforementioned publication, Bishop Brown strongly condemned the misjudgment on the part of Isaac and his cohorts by publishing in Chapter 13 of their book comments on the sex life of the First Lady attributed to her husband, the President of Liberia.
“We believe it is reckless and an act of arrogance against the First Lady and the women of Liberia which makes it a sin of presumption. We commend the Government of Liberia for not politicizing the fallout from this book publication. We were pleased to hear that Isaac was a freed man as he tried to leave Liberia even under ‘apprehensive’ means.
“As a Christian community, we hold the First Lady in high regards because generally she has shown in the public to be a disciplined and peaceful person, someone who focuses on what she can do to help unfortunate people in our post-civil-war challenged society. She is deserving of our respect and love – and support as she collaborates with other stakeholders in promoting a better society. She doesn’t deserve to be maligned for doing nothing against the interest of our country.
“There are many Liberians who are committing the sins of presumption. They assume that a thought or certain position they carried, is true unless there is evidence to prove otherwise. They do not check their facts. They hear “they-says” and run with it thereby creating a lot of confusion in our society. If we must strive for a better society we must always strive to find out the facts. We must ask questions. We must even ask God if what we are trying to do is the right action. We should be concerned about how it will affect our neighbors, friends, community and greater society,” the LCC president averred, further calling on all Liberians to stop committing the sin of presumption if Liberians must promote peace, reconciliation and national cohesion.
“We call on the Government of Liberia to also adequately and timely address ALL acts of abuses against all and any woman of Liberia to ensure that we can build a peaceful and orderly society. “We also await the report of the investigation into the gruesome murder of Immigration officer, Mauda Elliot in September 2021”, the LCC president concluded.
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