MONROVIA: Several Civil Society organization working under the aegis of the CSO Network for Human Rights, Democracy an Peacebuilding in Liberia(CNHRDP-L) has called on the government of Liberia(GOL) to speedily investigate the unfortunate incidence and hold those responsible for masterminding and instigating the violence which would serve as a deterrent to those individuals planning to disrupt the 2023 Presidential and legislative elections and further plunge the country into chaos and anarchy just as the organization said it “condemns in its strongest term the election related violence that occurred in Foya, Lofa County on Friday, September 28, 2023 in which three Liberians were killed and several others severely wounded”.
In a press release issued by the organization yesterday, Sunday, October 1, 2023, encouraged all political leaders to refrain from making hate speeches and inciting violence as Liberia and Liberians are not prepared for any political crises, adding “we recognize the fact that election is not an event but rather a process that all parties must participate in with open minds and clear intention to preserve our hard earned peace”.
The release further said Individuals who feel aggrieved and unsatisfied with unfolding issues must be law abiding and make maximum use of the justice system instead of engaging in violence activities intended to undermine peace and stability in the Country.
“As we draw closer to the October 10 polls, CNHRDP-L wants to remind all Liberians about our ugly past during which thousands of our compatriots lost their lives and strive for peace and unity, a recipe for economic development and growth.
“CNHRDP-L is the conglomeration of five major Civil Society Organizations (The Youth Against Drugs and Substance Abuse in Liberia – YADASA-Liberia, the Humble Youth – HYI, the Regional Watch for Human Rights Watch – RWHR, the Peace Building Resource Center – PBRC and the Cooperative Initiatives for Peace and Development – CIPAD) established to contribute towards the promotion of Human Rights, Democratic-governance and sustainable Peace in Liberia”, the release said.
Members of CNHRDP-L are renowned human rights and peacebuilding activists with impeccable track records who have worked over the years in their respective organizations and communities to promote human rights, democratic-governance and peace in Liberia.
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