“I Regret Misjudged Statement Against SC” -UP National Campaign Spokesman Ali Apologizes

MONROVIA: In response to a Supreme Court Contempt Proceeding brought against him, the National Campaign Spokesman for the opposition Unity Party, Mr. Mohammed Ali, has tendered an open apology to the Associate Supreme Court Justice Yusu D. Kaba, the entire Supreme Court of Liberia and the entire Judicial System of the country for making reckless social media comments that tended to unnecessarily bring the Supreme Court and the entire Justice System to disrepute.

According to Mr. Ali, on November 8, 2023 he made a Facebook post with a picture in which Associate Justice Yusuf Kaba was seated between Hon. Acarous M. Gray and Foreign Minister D. Maxwell Kemayah.

“Given the heightened political tension relating to the Presidential Runoff Election between my party, the Unity Party (UP), and the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and noticing the Associate Justice seated between and among politicians, I wrongfully asserted that it was a political gathering. With such wrong thinking, I made comments in my Facebook post that could bring the image of the Honorable Supreme Court and the entire Judicial System to unnecessary scrutiny and disrepute.

“In view of my action, I regret my action which was a misjudgment on my part. In this regard, I hereby retract my Facebook comments and render an unconditional apology to Associate Justice Yusuf D. Kaba, the Supreme Court of Liberia and the entire Judicial System of Liberia. I respect our judicial system and will never aspire to bring such a reputable institution to public disrepute,” Ali stated apologetically. See page 7 of this edition for Mr. Ali’s apology.

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