Honorable Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence – Grand Bassa County Senator (Chairman on Committee – Rules, Order and Administration writes the House of Representatives of the 54th Legislature of the Republic of Liberia

The Liberian Senate
Capitol Building,
Capitol Hill,
Monrovia, Liberia
West Africa

March 28, 2019


Hon. Dr. Bhofal Chambers

The Speaker and Members

House of Representatives

Capitol Building

Monrovia, Liberia


Dear Mr. Speaker,

In the wake of the death of my beloved husband, Hon. Adolph A. Lawrence of Electoral District#15, Montserrado County, this is to express our family’s appreciation of the involvement of the Government of the Republic of Liberia, by and through the leadership of the Honorable House of Representatives of the 54th National Legislature.


In as much as every member of the National Legislature is entitled to a government-funded state funeral, as a Senator I am fully aware of the financial constraints with which the government is currently confronted with. We have, therefore, decided to forfeit such privilege, as is due my late husband. The requisite funding to underwrite the cost associated with the funeral rites of my late husband have already been raised from his Estate, our families, friends and supporters.


Mr. Speaker, even in death, I am convinced that my late husband’s love for our country and care for the average Liberian has not ceased; hence, I would rather not imposed any additional financial burden on the Government.


We however, look forward to working with you, as it relates to the execution of other relevant state protocol surrounding the burial of my husband, Hon. Adolph A. Lawrence.


Best Regard,


Sincerely yours,

Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence (Senator)

Widow, Hon. Aldoph A. Laurence

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