MONROVIA – The Stipendiary Magistrate of the Monrovia City Court at the Temple of Justice on December 2, 2022 executed a Writ of Ne Exeat Republica against Mr. Gus Nyanplu (to be identified) based on a complaint filed against the defendant by private prosecutrix Cora Peabody, for which a writ of arrest had earlier been issued against defendant Nyanplu.
According to the Monrovia City Court legal papers in the possession of this institution, His Honor Jomah S. Jallah, Stipendiary Magistrate of the Monrovia City Court, Temple of Justice, Monrovia, executed the Writ of Ne Exeat Repulica against defendant Gus Nyanplu based on verified information that the accused is about to leave the bailiwick of the Republic to foreign parts, much to the surprise of the plaintiff; and that the Stipendiary Magistrate of the Monrovia City Court of the Republic of Liberia, acting on behalf of plaintiff Peabody, and having been duly satisfied upon an Writ of Arrest application filed by the plaintiff, had no alternative but to order a Writ of Ne Exeat Republica.
“You are hereby commanded to arrest the living body of Gus Nyanplu, defendant of the City of Monrovia, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia to be brought before the Court.
“You will notify said defendant to make his formal appearance in Court and thereafter make your official returns endorsed at the back of this Writ as to the form and manner of service thereof. And for so doing, this shall constitute your legal and sufficient authority.
“If the defendant cannot give a bail approved by Court, you will commit him in the common jail of Montserrado Countyto remain until he files such bail security.
“Given under our hand and seal of court this 2nd day of December, A.D. 2022 Francis Weah, Clerk of Court, Monrovia City Court,” the Writ of Ne Exeat Republica against defender Gus Nyanplu (to be identified) indicated.
The writ of NE EXEAT REPUBLICA is issued by a court of chancery, directed to the sheriff, reciting that the defendant in the case is indebted to a complainant, and, that he/she designs going quickly into parts without the state, to the damage of the complainant, and then commanding the sheriff to cause the defendant to give bail in a certain sum that he will not leave the state without leave of the court, and for want of such bail that he the sheriff, do commit the defendant to prison.
Prior to the issuance of the Writ of Ne Exeat Republica against defendant Nyanplu, the Republic of Liberia, acting on behalf of private prosecutrix Madam Cora Peabody, had on December 2, 2022 prayed the Monrovia City Court to order a writ of arrest against the accused for Criminal Trespass, Criminal Mischief and Theft of Property.
“You are hereby commanded to Arrest the living body of Gus Nyanplu to be identified, Defendant and forthwith bring him before the Monrovia City Court, Temple of Justice Building, Montserrado County to answer to the Charge of Criminal Trespass, Criminal Mischief and Theft of Property based upon the oath and complaint of the Republic of Liberia by and thru Cora Peabody, by and thru the International Law Group, plaintiff in which it is substantially alleged as follows to wit:
“That during the period of July 2022 in the City of Monrovia, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, the within named defendant being there and then knowing fully well that he is not licensed and privileged to so do, unlawfully entered the property of the prosecutrix, surreptitiously renamed therein, where the said defendant placed tenants, took rent from them and out of deception converted the said rent to his personal use and benefit, and that in the process caused damage to the property to the tune of US$48,000 with the intent to deprive the private prosecutrix of her property and the rental thereof.
“The alleged act of the defendant being unlawful, wicked, criminal is in violation of section 15.51, 151 and 15.21 of the New Penal Law of Liberia and then the crime herein the defendant did do and commit. Hence, this writ of arrest.
“Contrary to the form, force and effect to the statutory laws of Liberia in such cases made and provided against the peace and dignity for this Republic and for so doing this shall constitute your legal sufficient authority and have this writ,” stated the Writ of Arrest issued against defendant Gus Nyanplu on the 2nd day of December, A.D. 2022 under the signature of Francis Weah, Clerk of Court, Monrovia City Court.
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