GOL, IOM & CSO Validate LMGI Report for Monrovia -To Address Urban Migration Issues

MONROVIA: After months of rigorous research on migration related issues in line with the Migration Governance Indicators, the Government of Liberia (GOL) through the City Government of Monrovia and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as well as the civil society and the academia on Friday, June 21, 2023 validated the Local Migration Governance Indicators (LMGI) Report for Monrovia, with stakeholders expressing optimism that the report aimed at producing the Migration Governance Indicators profile for Monrovia will go a long way to provide insights on policy measures towards good migration governance at the local level.

In an opening speech, IOM Chief of Mission for Liberia, Madam Ana Fonseca who spoke through virtual from Guinea, historicized that a little over six months ago the IOM and the Government through the City Government of Monrovia commenced the LMI process for Monrovia with the aim of producing the Migration Governance Indicators Profile for Monrovia as was done in 2021 when both GOL and IOM collaborated to produce the first National Migration Governance Indicators Profile for Liberia.

Madam Fonseca said the effort has come to fruition with the validation of the report which demonstrates the strong relationship between the government and IOM, asserting that “it is only through strong partnerships that we can stand a chance of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly target 10.7 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

She further notes “Migration, as we all know, is a defining feature of our modern world. It presents both opportunities and challenges for countries and communities alike. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that we invest in comprehensive and effective migration governance systems that protect the rights and well-being of migrants, while also harnessing the potential benefits that migration can bring to societies.”

The Chief of Mission said the report being validated represented a significant milestone in the collective effort of IOM and Liberia to strengthen migration governance in Monrovia. She said as the leading organization for migration, IOM stands ready to support the Government of Liberia and its partners in implementing the recommendations outlined in the report, emphasizing that the report provides Liberia and development partners with a comprehensive assessment of the existing migration governance landscape in Monrovia which also highlight areas of progress, challenges, and opportunities for improvement.

“Our expertise, technical assistance, and capacity-building initiatives are at your disposal to facilitate the development and implementation of evidence-based policies and programs that promote effective migration governance”, she said.

Madam Fonseca, who was present in Monrovia when the preparatory work on the report commenced in January 2023, thanked all those who were involved in the development of the report, particularly the City Government of Monrovia, related ministries and agencies  of government, civil society and the academia as well as the external Migration Governance Indicators team for the cooperation and dedication demonstrated throughout the MGI process which according to her “was a testament to our shared commitment to addressing the complexities of migration governance.”

Speaking in a welcome remark through a proxy, Mr. Franco Grimes, Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Tamba Koijee praised IOM for its support to the City Government and other partners in progress for their tireless efforts and commitment shown throughout the research and preparation of the report and expressed excitement that the report will add to the tools the City Government needs to address the issue of migration which have become concerning while also soliciting support from  the development partners to continue identifying with the City Government as it tries to find workable solutions to the many challenges the residents of Monrovia face.

Mr. Scott Cann, Migration Policy Officer, at IOM Headquarters in Geneva delivered the first paper on the Importance of the Global Compact for Migration while the MGI Report for Monrovia was presented by Ms. Yoselyn Del Carmen Manzano of the Migration Policy Office at IOM Headquarters. The report, among others, outlined that some progress has been made regarding issues of policies and governance at the level of Monrovia but also identified other key opportunities and challenges that require further improvement.

During the second phase of the program, there were working sessions and group presentations climaxed by plenary discussions and adoption of the report.

In his vote of thanks on behalf the Government of Liberia, Mr. Rooselvet Klafleh, Assistant Minister for Planning and Research at the Ministry of Gender children and Social Protection, thanked IOM for affording Liberia the only to undertake a major project that will address the huge challenges associated with migration in Monrovia, the nation’s capital.

He said like with the other agencies of the United Nations system that have been helpful in the national development agenda of the country, the IOM has done a lot of interventions in areas like migration and has collaborated with a number of government institutions to implement projects that are meaningful and impactful for the country and its people

Created in 2016 by IOM, the Migration Governance Indicators process is a tool that supports governments in taking stock of the comprehensiveness of their migration policies, as well as in identifying gaps and areas that could be strengthened. The MGI framework is aligned with the Global Compact for Migration which calls for safe, orderly and regular migration. It helps governments and national stakeholders such as the civil society in the implementation, follow-up and review of progress towards the achievement of Global Compact objectives as well as the SDGs.

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