EPA, UNDP Launch a Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Study

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched a climate change vulnerability and risk assessment study on key sectors and systems, through the National Adaptation Plans Project funded by the Green Climate Fund.

This study supports the advancement of the two- year National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) project designed to reduce vulnerability to climate change and to facilitate the integration of climate change adaptation into national and sectoral development planning processes.

The exercise is intended to develop the scientific knowledge base and capacity required to conduct climate vulnerability and risk assessment for medium-term investment planning in climate-sensitive sectors (i.e. fishery, agriculture, energy, waste management, forestry and health) and coastal areas in Liberia.

It is being conducted by an international climate change consultant supported by two local consultants and a multidisciplinary team of sectoral experts, with inputs from an international   expert on gender.

Liberia’s Initial National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) notes that the impacts of climate change are expected to intensify as changes in temperature and precipitation affect economic activities.

The climate change vulnerability and risk assessment study will inform decision makers and stakeholders on sustainable and viable sector interventions, which will provide the basis for guiding coping strategies that will ensure that the sectors are managed in consideration of any climate-related risks and adaptation needs and options.

Tools and information acquired will help Liberia put in place its National Adaptation Planning process that builds upon existing development planning strategies and processes, implement priority adaptation actions, and facilitate the integration of climate change into planning strategies and enable sectors better plan their medium and long-term adaptation programs, policies and strategies.

The on-going activities of the study include consultations with all relevant stakeholders including the Ministry of Agriculture, National Fisheries & Aquaculture Authority and the Forestry Development Authority among others.

Field consultations are being conducted with local community groups in different agro-ecological zones on existing risks and vulnerabilities, identification of priorities, strategies and action plans for adaptation, as well as harnessing knowledge and experience.

Overall, the Study will be used to identify the trends in the climate, examine potential future climate conditions, and possible impacts on agriculture, fisheries and forestry.

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