Dillon, What Manner A Politician -Politics of Chicanery, Boorishness, Ingratitude

MONROVIA: Politics may not be a pleasant game as others would say, yet many conjecture it has got its human face that recognizes the moral imperative of tradeoff and quid pro quo which every decent person would exhibit. Others are however just not in line, just don’t care, consumed by haughtiness and insolence. Pundits have been looking at one Liberian politician who, they say, is the chief of all insolence—Senator Darius Dillon. THE ANALYST reports.

The fallen legendary Charles Walker Brumskine of all persons is the latest victim of Montserrado County Senator Darius Dillon, and many are saying here that it speaks to, and confirm, a pattern of political chicanery, ungratefulness and rudeness of a senator who everything about morals, scholarliness and mental stability is subject of debate amongst politicians and independent pundits.

Abraham Darius Dillon came out of the 2020 senatorial by-election with demeaning demeanors towards President Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senate Albert Chie, who a few days earlier was just a financier of his victory. Even his former bosses, Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor and Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe, have had a bitter taste of his poisonous stings.

The Montserrado County Senator, who once threatened to stone President George Manneh Weah  has practically bitten every finger that fed him. He has now beaten all imaginations and all moral possibilities. The latest victim is one of Liberia’s outstanding jurists and public servants, founder, standard-bearer and political leader of the Liberty Party—a party on whose ticket Mr. Dillon rode to Liberia’s “House of Elders”, the Senate.

When a secret audio leaked, and it sounded like Mr. Dillon spewing derogatory tantrums at the late Charles Walker Brumskine, his foremost intellectual and political benefactor, many doubted him. Some were saying the tape was doctored; for it could not have been Darius Dillon’s voice; it couldn’t be Dillon, and in the voice of one talk-show caller, “whose mouth dropping with worms out it practically demoralizing his mentor and father”.

But the fact is, it was Darius Dillon. And it was Charles Walker Brumskine he was tearing apart.

While Cllr Brumskine was still alive and kicking, and in charge of a party he founded and funded almost singly, Dillon had this to say about him. “[Cllr. Brumskine] is not the political leader of the Liberia Party. The Liberty Party has not had any convention to elect a new political leader. And even if we wanted to do it, it will not be Brumskine. That guy is arrogant and selfish…We will deal with him.”

Speaking on a public radio, loudly but shamelessly, Darius Dillon beat his chest that the words in the leaked audio were his.

“So first, let me confirm that that is my voice and I own up to it. We were in an internal gathering of the party when I made that comment, early or mid-2018. He was very arrogant and selfish. Since Charlyne [Brumskine daughter and current vice standard bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties] does not want for dad to rest, acting like she is crying, like Charles Brumskine was an angel and we are ungrateful, let me speak out on the microphone.

“When we founded Liberty Party in 2005, I was already working. I was special assistant to the solicitor general. I was in that position from 1997 up to 2005 when we founded LP. Charles Walker Brumskine didn’t know me. He had nothing to do with my going to school and how far I stopped in school. He had nowhere near making me.

“He didn’t send me to school; he didn’t feed me, nothing. I was a full grown man; in fact, when we founded LP I had built my own house and had two cars. I was special assistant to the Solicitor General. I want you to understand that.”

He continued: “After every election, Brumskine will retire because he does not want anybody to give him hard time. But as soon as election is coming, he bully his way back because that was his property. Political institution that is not people’s personal property. After In 2017 election, Cllr. Brumskine said three times Liberian people said they don’t want him so he was retiring, that he was not coming back. In 2017, Brumskine wants to leave again.

“So in 2017, when Brumskine was insisting he was leaving, we said okay, let us put someone there. Brumskine hated Cummings to the core and yes his daughter knows that. That is why I said the issue of Cummings and Charlyne working together, when Charlyne meets her pa in the great beyond, they will talk it because in fact, Brumskine called us together, Nyonblee, Jacob Smith and I that if we want to be talking to Cummings then we must leave his party. But Brumskine you said you have retired. You said you don’t want to be in politics again. Let us grow this party. Then when he knew we were standing up, defending the political leader, Nyonblee Karngar Lawrence, he became to intrude and begin to start calling himself the vision bearer of the party. It is not in the constitution. He begin to go to the party’s headquarters and began holding executive meetings behind and against the political leader. And that is where I said that cannot happen. This party cannot have two political leader.

“My [leaked] audio will not bring Charlyne votes. I am told it was Musa and her that brought out that audio and shared it around because the media people told me and she has been going to Buchanan and crying my father, my father, her father did not do a damn thing. The audio cannot sell no vote, Brumskine had deep seated pain and hatred for Cummings because he said Cummings was taking his place. It was because of Brumskine’s arrogance and selfishness that caused the CPP to be headed by political leaders who participated in the 2017 elections just to overshadow Nyonblee who did not participate as Standard Bearer in 2017. Just to accommodate Brumskine.

“He was arrogant. You can’t have a political leader where you don’t have an institution that you can respect because you want to come back, then you denying the party. I stand by the statement I made and stand by it.”

Pundits Bemoans

Though the Brumskine family or friends of the Brumskines are yet to respond to Dillon’s repeated diatribes against their fallen hero, a number of pundits and observers have been commenting on the matter.

Josephus A. Kingston, Jr., reacted when asked about the Dillon outburst: “It was a not surprise for those of us who know and follow him. He is a charlatan. An ace ingrate. A schemer par excellence. Dillon is an accomplished notorious fraudster, who buried the heads of Montserradoans into electing him Senator on exogenous economic factors prevailing at the time of elections—factors that were not the making of the incumbent government.”

As Senator Edwin Snowe, Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor, Pro-Temp Chie and many others could testify to Dillon’s chameleonic traits and ungratefulness, so is the Sirleaf family.

Dillon served as “Office Boy” for both VP Taylor and Senator Snowe, but sooner he took his flight in similar and a bit her portfolio with another official of government, the payback was gross disrespect and badmouthing of his ex-bosses.

Today, even though he still hasn’t advanced himself academically and intellectually, Dillon acts like a superman over Snowe and Taylor who nurtured him and sent him around as an errand boy.

“Where he got that behind, no one knows,” said a close friend of his who does not want to be named in print. “Perhaps from unbridled ingrained pride and arrogance and empty head”.

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and her son, Roberts Sirleaf, also do have a basketful of testimonies about a Dillon who comes around like sheep and leaves one’s companionship like a wolf.

Whatever the relationship with the Sirleafs, Dillon benefited getting a scholarship to study at a prestigious US University.

Though he cowered out of the Strayer University due to academic impairment, while he was struggling his way in there during the first few weeks, Dillon was seem having launch with the Sirleafs most ferocious political foe at the time, George Weah, at his latter’s graduation party.

“As much as it would appear and sound the crudest of all that Mr. Dillan has done so far, taking the traits of chicanery to his father-figure and tutor Charles Walker Brumskine, the reality is that he did, and he did so intentionally, unprovoked to someone who made him what he is,” said C. Timothy Wesseh, a retired state security officer.

Wesseh said further, “I have never seen a dry-faced, horribly wicked person like Dillon before. These are the kinds of people my native Kru people would reference and say, ‘you shit on fallen palm tree while eating mushroom from it’. But I have seen such people falling from grace to grass for ungratefulness because God has the way of dealing with ingrates and shameless people. One day, and every soon, that long list of victims of his trickery, deceit and ungratefulness will end, and the end will be nasty socially and politically.”

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