MONROVIA – A one-time staunch advocate for the Government of Liberia, former Deputy Information Minister Eugene Fahngon, who returned to the United States after his sacking about a year ago, says his former boss President George M. Weah is not only embarrassing himself by firing his Ambassador to the United States of America on the eve of his attending the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), but that the country will also suffer from the diplomatic fallout of having a foreign minister who, though highly knowledgeable about the UN terrain and diplomatic maneuverings in New York and Washington, dares not set foot on American soil.
Taking to social media upon the arrival of President Weah in the United States to attend the UNGA meeting where other world leaders are expected to address the august body on multi-dimensional global issues such as security, peace, economy, as well as many other conditions confronting their respective countries, Mr. Fahngon wondered how could President Weah be so naïve to fire his Ambassador to the United States, who is supposed to help navigate presidential entourage through New York and Washington’s torturous diplomatic labyrinth, especially when the Liberian foreign minister will not be accompanying the Liberian Leader on such an important visit.
“Mr. President, who ever told you to fire the ambassador two days before you arrive wanted to make you look awkward. So, who will be beside you now when you are meeting all these dignitaries? Because you and I know that Ambassador Patten will not be around. You will be OWO; you will be on your own. And the people you’re coming with, most of them don’t know their way around here.
“And the main man who knows New York like how you supposed to know New York is restricted -Kemayah. When he put foot, they will take him out. Why you couldn’t come and let the ambassador do what he got to do, then when you get back, you switch?
“Somebody says: Jeff knows more than Patten; is it about Jeff knowing, or doing the right thing? And it’s not like you’ve appointed Jeff and he’s going to take over right away. Jeff has not even presented his letters of credence to the State Department. You fired the other man two day before you get here; who will carry you there?
“I can tell Mr. President; you cannot fire the Ambassador two day before your arrival here. I will tell Mr. President, you can’t; don’t embarrass us. Let’s go, when you come back, let him take care of everything. Because number one, the new guy will not take care of everything; nobody knows, number two; number three, he’s not legit until the Senate confirms him. And four, within two days he won’t know everybody. Mr. President, don’t embarrass us.
“You already sacked the man and he started cleaning his things yesterday. Who supposed to show you to the other people? Who’s supposed to make a way for you to talk to presidents, kings, princes? You couldn’t wait until you come and let him do everything he’s supposed to do, then you come back and recall him? But you recall him and appoint a new ambassador? Does he even know Washington well, or knows his way around DC? Why, Mr. President, who are those that are advising you?” former Minister Fahngon wondered.
Da me must tell you?
Touching on other issues, Eugene Fahngon said the presidency continues to commit egregious blunders that could seriously damage the image of the country.
Speaking in his new found singsong-like but serious manner of messaging, Fahngon wondered why should he be the one to tell President Weah he is scantily attired with regards to diplomacy and other issues, when the Liberian leader is being told all is well.
“Da me must tell you, when you’re coming to the US, you’re not supposed to sack the Ambassador, until you come and go back?
“Da me must tell you that you’re not supposed to take the Foreign Minister’s girlfriend and bring her to the Permanent Mission, knowing that Linda Thomas Greenfield is there; da me must tell you?
“Da me must you that Eugene Nagbe’s sister na know nothing about diplomacy, or no foreign policy experience, and you go send her to Freetown, da me must tell you?
“Da me must tell you that your government is weakening day by day? You can’t see it? Da me must tell you?
“Da me must tell you that the people themselves asked you to investigate them after you had told the whole country that you would investigate them; they begged you investigate them. Da me must tell you to investigate them before you do it now?
“Mr. President, who ever told you to fire the ambassador two days before you arrive, wanted to make you look awkward,” Fahngon concluded.
It can be recalled that President Weah on September 15, 2022 nominated Mr. Jeff Gongoer Dowana as Liberia’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America with concurrent Non-Resident Accreditation to Canada and Mexico.
President Weah made the nomination on Thursday, September 15, 2022. The nomination is subject to confirmation by the Honorable Liberian Senate.
Ambassador Jeff G. Dowana replaces Ambassador George W. Pattern who has been recalled.
Ambassador Dowana holds a Master of Science Degree in Organizational Leadership from the NYACK College in New York. He earlier earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from the University of Liberia.
He is a career diplomat who served at several postings including in London, New York, Washington DC, Paris, and his current assignment as Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary to Kuwait.
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