CPP: Conduct Liberia’s Business Unusually


CPP: Conduct Liberia’s Business Unusually

THE FOUR ORIGINAL members of the Collaborating Political Parties met Wednesday, May 20, 2020 to affix their signatures to the Framework Document that paves the way for establishment of a solidified political front that allow them wrestle state power from the ruling Congress for Democratic Change.

THE SIGNING CEREMONY saw the Alternative National Congress of Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, the All Liberia Party of Mr. Benoni Urey, the Unity Party of Ambassador Joseph Boakai and the Liberty of Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence affixing their signatures to the Collaborating Political Parties Framework Document.

AMONG OTHER THINGS the intent of the Framework Document called for the CPP to present a single presidential ticket and or legislative candidates for all elections leading up to and including the 2023 general and presidential elections; forge and support a common national interest and present a common political agenda to the Liberian people; work towards an eventual merger of the constituent political parties; strengthen the country’s democracy through grassroots engagement with the Liberian people, using town hall meetings, community engagements, radio and technology, etc; reduce the number of political parties to an affordable number in response to the desire of the people of Liberia; ensure gender-equality in public service, and do all such things as required by the Election Laws for alliances.

IT GOES WITHOUT saying that the signing of the CPP Framework Document is truly a landmark event in the democratization process of our country.

IN THE FIRST place, an amalgamation of like-minded political parties into one structure gives voters an ardent opportunity to focus their scattered individual choices towards a singular political institution that would provide succor to their myriad socio-economic and political aspirations. Such amalgamation is also expected to strengthen political institutions that have braved the storm to gather under one tent to achieve their various agendas.

ON THE OTHER HAND, while we acknowledge the benefits of political institutions forming alliances, and ultimately mergers aimed at benefiting themselves and the voters, a serious caveat must be sounded here.

A CAREFUL STUDY of Liberia’s political institutions has always signaled incidences of political parties being formed on the eve of elections, mainly for interested political actors to gain access to the winner’s spoils, either through the granting of ministerial positions and the like, at the end of the votes.

IN THIS REGARD, it is our hope that the proposed CPP will only incorporate other like-minded parties and members whose interests do not supersede personal agenda above national priorities. For this has been one of the major problems that has held Liberia back. In Liberia, people and institutions form collaborations only to protect their own agenda. We hope the CPP will deviate from such age-old political anomaly.

AS THE MAIN POLITICAL opposition, Liberians will be looking up the CPP to provide a better alternative. How well the CPP conducts its affairs for now and leading to the upcoming 2020 special legislative elections should provide a clear cut roadmap on how well they will conduct themselves if and when they capture state power in 2023.

FINALLY, LIKE OTHER political institutions in Liberia, the CPP must acknowledge that life in the opposition camp is not always about seeing the negatives in every conduct of the governors. The CPP must realize by now that they are a government-in-waiting. Their deportment should characterize a responsible government-in-waiting.

IN THIS REGARD, we expect the CPP to remain constructively engaged with the government and people of Liberia. Criticize issues that need to be brought to the public glare, but also give kudos to government or institutions that deserve credit for having performed exemplarily.

LIBERIANS STARTED SCRUTINIZING you from the very moment you signed that Framework Document. The people will hold you accountable if you deviate from the noble ideals of the CPP Framework Document and start conducting business as usual, by our normal Liberian standard.


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